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The e-commerce.

Banner Manager doesnt open!


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Hi, I was happily adding banners and testing after every one I added and they all worked fine.


They are all HTML codes.


I pasted the code into the HTML box and then when I moved the cursor to the banner name box, I clicked paste accidentally and instead of hitting the delete button, I hit 'ENTER' in error. So there was some HTML in the banner name field.


Now in my Banner Manager, there is no list of banners, no add banner button or no edit in any form.



The banners still works but I cannot change them.



Many thanks


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Figure out the banner ID. You can do this by viewing the source for the banner and looking where it links. For example, the source for the banner in the osCommerce demo shop (Demonstration link under Showcases in the menu at the top of the page) is

<a href="http://demo.oscommerce.com/redirect.php?action=banner&goto=1" target="_blank"><img src="images/banners/oscommerce.gif" alt="osCommerce" title=" osCommerce " border="0" height="50" width="468"></a>

You see the part that says goto=1? That tells you that the banner ID is 1.


In phpMyAdmin or whatever your host provides, run the following SQL (replacing 1 with your actual banner ID):

UPDATE banners SET banners_title = 'Temp' WHERE banners_id = '1'

You can replace Temp with the actual title if you prefer. Then you should be able to edit things in your admin again.

Always back up before making changes.

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Many thanks,


I was confused at first but went to phpMyAdmin on cpanel and found the full banner list, I saw straight away where the rogue banner title was and corrected it.


Everything is now fine.


Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.



many thanks


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