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The e-commerce.

Required software?


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- Apache (or any other WebServer software, though apache is the best choice)


- PHP 4.x


That's about it. Once you have the components up and running you can start installing osCommerce.



You can't have everything. That's why trains have difficulty crossing oceans, and hippos did not adapt to fly. -- from the OpenBSD mailinglist.

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When using windows, just instal foxserv:




after install it is installed on your c: drive




put in the root the admin and catalog stuff


open in your browser url and run install


after install open: and voila your shop is up and running


Greetings JJ

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Hi Kristina.


If you have downloaded FoxServ-3.0.exe, as you see, it is a .exe so you dont have to unzip it.


Just dubbelclick and the program installed themself.


Let me known if it workt out..!!


Greetings JJ

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Everything with the foxServe software is up and running, it's the actual oscommerce stuff, I'm having trouble unzipping.


It's all still a bit confusing, to me.

Let me know if you have any words of wisdom.



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The package you downloaded is it ending on .zip or .tar ??


I supose you have Windows running and your are using winzip to unzip software.


If you have downloaded de oscommerce snapshot ending on .tar it is possible that winzip can't unzip this format. You can download winrar.exe from the internet (search with google) to untar the .tar file OR you download the oscommerce snapshot windows version whitch is in .zip format. you can unzip it by using WINZIP.


Don't give up.....keep on trying..!!! JJ

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