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Page Cache v1.5 - MS2 - Issues


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I have installed Page Cache v1.5 - MS2.


When I hit my home page, although the page loads fine, it is not caching it. With debug on I see this:


Warning: fopen(/public_html/tbr/store/catalog/cache/_store_catalog_index.php__english_CAD.cache) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/itsjusta/public_html/tbr/store/catalog/includes/classes/page_cache.php on line 258

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/itsjusta/public_html/tbr/store/catalog/includes/classes/page_cache.php on line 259

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/itsjusta/public_html/tbr/store/catalog/includes/classes/page_cache.php on line 260


That file does not exist but the cache directory does. Any help would much appreciated.







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have u triple check the install


u need to post the code if u want more, unless there is a support thread, if so post there.



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Look at the entire error:


Warning: fopen(/public_html/tbr/store/catalog/cache/_store_catalog_index.php__english_CAD.cache) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/itsjusta/public_html/tbr/store/catalog/includes/classes/page_cache.php on line 262

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/itsjusta/public_html/tbr/store/catalog/includes/classes/page_cache.php on line 263

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/itsjusta/public_html/tbr/store/catalog/includes/classes/page_cache.php on line 264

[PAGE_CACHE] => Array
		[admin_config_settings] => Array
				[ENABLE_PAGE_CACHE] => true

		[cache_dir] => /public_html/tbr/store/catalog/cache/
		[cache_filename] => _store_catalog_index.php
		[cache_param] => 
		[cache_language] => _english
		[cache_currency] => _CAD
		[cache_file] => /public_html/tbr/store/catalog/cache/_store_catalog_index.php__english_CAD.cache
		[cache_lifetime] => 1800 seconds
		[debug_output] => true
		[is_guest] => 1
		[compress_buffer] => compressing buffer
		[customer_cart] => 1
		[customer_sid] => osCsid=b1086867ebf02e390f7aa4d64efe3a22
		[is_guest_check] => customer_id not set - cache_this_page()
		[no_file_or_expired] => file does not exist or is expired
		[ob_started] => ob started @ 1246497029
		[is_guess_check_end] => customer_id not set - end_page_cache()
		[output_ob] => output_ob = true
		[ob_compressed] => output buffer flushed and compressed
		[output_2_screen] => successfully output to screen
		[unset_screen_buffer] => screen buffer unset
		[output] => compressed ob sent to screen
		[file_write] => buffer writtent to file
		[unset_write_buffer] => write buffer unset
		[write_file] => compressed ob written to file
		[unset_cache_compress] => cache compress unset

[COOKIE_INFO] => Array

		[cart] => shoppingCart Object
				[contents] => Array

				[total] => 0
				[weight] => 0
				[content_type] => 

		[language] => english
		[languages_id] => 1
		[currency] => CAD
		[navigation] => navigationHistory Object
				[path] => Array
						[0] => Array

 => index.php
								[mode] => NONSSL
								[get] => Array

								[post] => Array



				[snapshot] => Array




When you have PHP code showing on the page like that you've probably lost an opening PHP tag somewhere...


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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When you have PHP code showing on the page like that you've probably lost an opening PHP tag somewhere...
PHP code? All I see that is different in what you posted is something that looks like the output from print_r on the page cache variable or $GLOBALS or something.

Always back up before making changes.

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The code in the screen above is not the problem. We have debug turned on, so the error gets displayed on the home page. What we need help with is the actual error. We have the cache folder, but it's empty. Is this an install problem do you think?

Edited by gvl62
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