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The e-commerce.

orders messed up totals and items


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Hi everyone,


i'll be very helpful if anyone can give me some advice about the problem i've got:

using oscommerce v2.2RC2.

i'm taking on the project from someone else so i don't have information what contribution they have installed.

however a serious problem exists:

when a customer is placing an order all appears fine for them. but once i check the order in admin, it seems completely messed up:

first, two lines show for each order with different amounts. if i select one, both gets selected/deleted etc.

second - if i open to see the details of the order, together with the real item that belong to it, appear some more items that are not part of this order

third - two subtotals and two totals are displayed with different amounts:

Subtotal: 380.00€

Subtotal: 66.85€

Total: 66.85€

Total: 380.00€


one of which is the correct one. it seems it unites and shows two orders at the same time.

any one, any clue why is this happening.

any help will be greatly appreciated.


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thanx for your reply. i was looking at the Configuration table but it don't really see duplicate entries.

i was testing placing orders it seems that for a new order it assigns an order_id that is already in use and that has already have order_products associated with it, it just add my new product with this order_id. It seems like the way it's obtaining the order_id or something like that. i don't know if that gives any clue.

i was looking further as the file /httpdocs/includes/classes/order.php and i see it's doing something in


order_id = tep_db_prepare_input($order_id);

i think that's where it obtains the order_id. but i couldn't find where that is.

Is it possible someone is hacking the site??

many thanks for your help.



You have identical entries in your "Configuration" table. Search for the duplicate entries and delete them.


Backup your database by doing an EXPORT prior to removing duplicate entries.

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i've checked, there are no duplicate entries.

Log in to your osc admin panel >>Modules>>Order Total


You should see the following:


Low Order Fee






Do you have two of each or just one, specifically sub-total and total?

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on this screen I have one of each, with order from 0-4.

but when i open admin/clients/orders - i have two rows for each order with different amount and appear two subtotal and 2 totals in the details of each order.

it seems that an order with order_id existed and when it was creating a new order it just added my item, subtotal and total to an existing one, rather than creating a new one. it seems like that as far as i understand it.

i was testing for example before i create an order there were items existing with order_id=22 and then it saved my new order with the same id.

any clue?

thanks for trying.

best regards


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