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Header Tags SEO question


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I have installed Header Tags SEO v.3.12 by Jack_mcs and everything works fine so far. The only thing I would like to know is about the keywords and description declared on index.php. In osCommerce v. 2.2, I go to "Header Tags SEO"->"Page Control" and I choose index.php from the drop down list. I declare the keywords and description and I choose "Category", "Product", "Manufacturer", "Root" from the check boxes below. I have also declared meta keywords and description for each of my categories. But when I use the browser to enter each category and go to "View"->"Page Source" I notice that in meta tags there are not only the keywords of each category as I have declared but also the keywords of index.php...I would like to change that in order to appear only the keywords that I have declared for each category. So, how can I exclude the index's keywords and description?


P.S. I tried to clear the "Root" check box but my index.php remains without meta tags which I don't want either.


Any reply would be appreciated.


Thank You


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