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Paypal IPN Problems


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I have been using the Paypal IPN v0.96 contrib since my site went live, as Paypal is currently my only way of accepting CC payments (I will get my own merchant account one day but it's still early days)


I have encountered some weird problems (and yes I have searched the forums and must have read every IPN posting there is).


So far I have recieved 5 orders using paypal. The first one came back as successful, the customer received a success email from Paypal, the Paypal IPN transaction details came back but said that the IPN Result was INVALID. The customer got a failed message from my site but I received the payment. Their cart wasn't emptied and the stock wasn't updated. I have since changed the checkout_success.php file as suggested by Pablo in a different thread - so this is ok.


The next order I received worked perfectly. The customer got a notification from Paypal and an automated email from my site, I received a copy of the email the customer was sent, the IPN Result said Verfied, my stock was updated - wonderful. So I am thinking everything has been sorted.


However, the next 3 orders I have received have all been problems. The customer has been sent back to my site after completing paypal, the screen has said success, but I haven't received any IPN transaction details, the customer didn't receive their automated email from my site, I didn't get a copy, the stock wasn't updated, but I did receive verification from Paypal that the order was accepted.


What gives? Why would it work for one transaction and not another? I could understand if I had been playing with the settings between transactions but I haven't. This is really concerning me as it seems so hit and miss. I know a new version has been released but I am loath to install this as it is currently very new and I would rather give it a little while to see what problems crop up.


Has anyone else had these intermittant problems?


Any pointers or help would be very much appreciated.


For your information, my site is running on a Linux box with PHP Version 4.2.3




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