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The e-commerce.

Categories still showing the default


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Good Morning,


After installing the osC2.2, I have removed all the default products and categories that comes with the system (HW, DVD ... etc) and created my store's categories and products.


On the other hand, sometimes, the system still shows the old categories specially on /catalog (home). If I follow the link, it shows an empty category. The category does not exist in the admin. I have also tried to find it directly in the tables using phpMyadmin, but it did not show.


Is there any other place that I need to locate it in?





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Could it be that your computers cache is involved? Did you try on other computers?


Yes. I have tried clearing my cache and at the same time tried two more computers in addition to the virtual machine on my laptop .. default categories and manufacturers are still showing.


I check the tables on phpMyadmin, but nothing is showing there :o

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In the admin set "Use Cache" to false. Save it.


Somewhere in there is a way to reset the cache, you could try that before turning it off.


That may be the problem.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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