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The e-commerce.

Subcategories to multiple Categories

Stephan (VS)

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Is there a way to add a subcategory to multiple main categories?



Current Layout

The (xx) is the current Category ID


|Main Category______|__Subcategory___________________________|


| Hardware (01)______ |__Cables_(21)___________________________| All the cables categories....

| Hardware (01)______ |__Monitors (92)__________________________| CRT (94),LCD(96),LED(98), Plasma(100) ....

| Hardware (01)______ |__Networking(112)________________________| Tools(114),Modems (161), Routers(196) ....

| Hardware (01)______ |__Printers__(486)________________________| Ink (488), Laser(560), Gel(660), Matrix(661) ....



Preferred Layout

|Main Category______|__Subcategory___________________________|


| Hardware (01)______ |__Cables_(21)___________________________| All the cables categories....

| Hardware (01)______ |__Monitors (92)__________________________| Cables (21), CRT (94),LCD(96),LED(98), Plasma(100) ....

| Hardware (01)______ |__Networking(112)________________________| Cables (21), Tools(114),Modems (161), Routers(196) ....

| Hardware (01)______ |__Printers__(486)________________________| Cables (21), Ink (488), Laser(560), Gel(660), Matrix(661) ....



In other words I want to create duplicate category_ids with customized parent_ids.

The PHP Myadmin doesn't allow this "1062 - Duplicate entry 'xx' for key 1",

Is there a way to alter the Categories table to allow this?


Like making it the same as the products_to_categories Table.

There I can duplicate products and just edit the category_id each time.


Multiple Categories per product module was the original approach but now were at 1200 Categories & a large amount of products that simply makes the add-on too time-consuming in the end.

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This sounds like a major hassle.


What you need to do you should be able to do via the copy button in admin. That is the whole idea behind products to categories table. Create a new cat/subcat and copy products to it. If you really need duplicate cat ids then you may as well rewrite the whole application.

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Ja true, that would be the best option.


I'm simply trying to minimize the amount of items' prices that needs to be checked every week.


Currently were @ +- 2000 Categories +- 30,000 Individual products...


but I respect the osCommerce categories structure, I don't think I'm gonna mess around there.

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"

- Albert Einstein

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