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Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class masterproduct


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Can you help me solve a problem, please ?


I have this error message on my OsC test shop :


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class masterproduct in (test URL)/catalog/includes/classes/masters_and_slaves.php on line 3


This is a virgin installation with only Ultrapics and Master Products added to this, without a template.


And yet, the masterproduct class is declared only once ! I don't understand, would you have an idea ?


More details : masterproduct est déclaré this way in masters_and_slaves.php :

class masterProduct {

var $product_id, $slaves;

I made a text string search in the totality of the files of my OsC test shop, searching the "masterproduct" term, and the results are clear, class masterProduct { only appears one time, no more.


Maybe the file masters_and_slaves.php is called twice... but that, I don't know how to check it :huh:


Thank you very much if you can give me a hand, or make a miracle suggestion :)



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OK, I received help from another source, and it seems the problem is solved. Here's how it was done, in case it can help someone else later on :


Remove or comment out the line 3 of /includes/boxes/suggested_accessories.php :

require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . "masters_and_slaves.php");


Side question : would you know what is the function of the file suggested_accesories.php ? I'd like to test and see if the modified file won't cause a bug elsewhere, but I can't find where/when that file is used...

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You could also change all your requires to require_once. That would make sure that it is available without duplicating if it was already available, e.g.

require_once(DIR_WS_CLASSES . "masters_and_slaves.php");

It has been a while since I looked at this contribution, but from the location, I would expect /includes/boxes/suggested_accessories.php to be an infobox that appears in the left (/includes/column_left.php) or right column (/includes/column_right.php). I would think that you would need the require on pages where the infobox appears but there is no other use of Master Products.

Always back up before making changes.

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