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Dropshipping product import and order submission


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Hi All,


I am planning to set up a website using dropshipping methods.

Building a website with oscommerce should not really be a problem, I am technical savvy enough.

However what I don't understand is how to import the products that wholesale/dropshipping suppliers offer, into my webshop.

For my product range we are talking about thousands of products and sometimes tens of mutations per day, how do I automate this process?

Another question I wonder about is how do I get the order that people made out to my supplier, how do I connect my shop to their backend?

What I've understand is that I put 20% on top of the suppliers price (or whatever amount) and then sell it. Now how do I send the money to the supplier and keep the 20% difference myself?


Maybe someone has a good tutorial or can get me into contact with companies that can help me setup my shop (I don't mind paying fair price for these kind of services).


Kind regards,



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You can use Easy Populate other product import contribution to import your products


OSC emails order details to an email address you specify. If you only order from one supplier you can reword this email.


Or you can set up direct connections to your suppliers shops if they accept orders via these methods.



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