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NIMMIT:SEF v0.4 Questions


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I installed the NIMMIT:SEF v0.4 but Im missing something or did something wrong..



I did what the instructions stated (so I think)

Install instructions



1) Turn SEF off

2) Turn GZip off (sorry - you cant use the oscommerce of/on switch, we make an addition to php.ini to allow gzip!)

2) in catalog/includes/application_top.php


define('PAGE_PARSE_START_TIME', microtime());


#-----> NIMMIT:SEF:B


#-----> NIMMIT:SEF:E



ini_set('zlib.output_compression_level', GZIP_LEVEL);





#-----> NIMMIT:SEF:B

require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'nimmit_sef.php');

#-----> NIMMIT:SEF:E


4) Do one of the following -

copy the .htacess file to its relevent location or copy everything inside the


#-----> NIMMIT:SEF:B


#-----> NIMMIT:SEF:E


5) If you don't already have a php.ini file in your store directory (default is /catalog), create one, and add:

output_buffering = On

output_handler = ob_gzhandler

zlib.output_compression = Off

The php.ini step is optional! SEF URLs will still work without it, but using this can greatly reduce your bandwidth consuption.


6) extract the rest of the files to thier relevent locations


Done !


My website now has all the links looking in the right direction, but there is no file there..


example "http://www.derbydresser.com/category/Sexy+Stockings.html" but there is no category folder and its now requestion index.html & all my files are .PHP


Im thinking its my .htaccess where I messed up ..

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