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More complex design adjustments?


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Hi all!


I recently started work on my first own webshop and i think i'm not doing bad so far.

I just finished the navigation design for the shop which i created and sliced in photoshop. these slices i put into div-containers, with mouseover imageswap-effects and for each nagivation point i created an own content.php which includes the according head.php.


Fine. Before i further explain the structure of my design i'll tell you where my problem is. The thing is: my navigation menu is not just a bar on the top or on the left but both on the left AND on top of the site.

So my first question would be:


1) would it be better to integrate the webshop-functions into my design or the other way round, shall i integrate my design into the webshop?


If the latter is the case then how am i supposed to to that? To understand my problem with this, i have to get back to the structure of my design.


I have like 14 different content.php files of which each one contains it very own head.php using the include command. Every content.php stands for one navigation point. so if i click on navigation point 1, it loads content1.php which includes head1.php. i did it this way because it seemed to me the easiest (and only?) way to not only swap the image for a navigation point by mouseover but also swap the image of the recently loaded subpage.

i hope you guys know what i mean by that.


so my navigation is based on basically loading whole websites every time you click on a new navigation point.


back to my integration-problem: how am i supposed to integrate this navigationmenu in the webshop? i'm not that far into programming so it's practically impossible for me to understand all the functions that were used to build up the shop or to even transfer them.

so since i need to keep the integrity of the shop as far as i can i need to figure out how to transfer my navigation menu into it.


i see the shop is build up of tables but if i just split up my navigation into a top part and a left part and put them into some table-cells the whole navigation wouldnt work, would it?


sorry if my issue is too simple for you guys, but the complexity of all the shop functions and stuff points out to be very confusing^^ (at least i find it complex^^).


short summary of how i want my menu to work:


the menu stretches over the top and over the left side of the page. when you move your mouse over a button of the menu that has the image1 i want it to swap to image2 and when you click on one of the buttons i want it to open the according subpage, and swap the image of the appendant button to image3, while keeping the rest of the navigation menu.


since i'm still not very experienced in php-programming i hope you guys could give me some hints on how to accomplish that even if i wrote more than would've been necessary. :blush:



thank you in advance :)



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