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The e-commerce.

customer data empty in table 'orders'


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Hello all together


I just checked the table orders of oscommerce and was shocked to find approximately 5-10 percent of records with no customer data but mostly a billing and delivery address. The fields customers_name, customer_company until customer_email_address are just empty. How comes? I sometimes see 'empty orders' in the admin and I wondered where that comes from and I got complaint from the shop owner about 'empty orders'.


I googled around but found no one with the similar problem. Does anyone have an idea what the problem is? I installed the following contributions:

- Ajax AttributeManager 2.7.1

- category box

- newsdesk

- autoThumb

- removecat

- smtp 1_2

- sort_order

- stammkunden202


I'd appreciate any hint or help. Thank you.



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