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The e-commerce.

Administrator (/admin) doesn't ask you to login and there is no logout link!


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Is there a way to force a login to the adminstrator every time? Like a session timeout or something?


Right now, if I have someone open the website/amin - it doesn't ask them to login! Can ANYONE access it? is there a setting I am missing to password protect the administrator?


Also, I have no link for "administrators" on the menus so I can't even change an admin password or add a new user.


I am using osCommerce 2.2-MS2, PHP Version 5.2.6


I have tried searching the forum for answers, but I get no search results. The same topics keep appearing - but they aren't pertinent to my search words...


The best way to protect your admin is to set this up in your host's control panel. Ask them for help if you don't know how to do this. There is also a login module in osCommerce 2.2RC2a, so you could upgrade and use that. The upgrade also includes security patches to your 2.2MS2 store.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


It's easy enough, but it can be fairly time-consuming. It all depends on how many modifications you have made to your code. A store with very few mods will go pretty quickly.


There's a Contribution to upgrade to 2.2RC2a with full instructions. A file comparison program (Winmerge, Windiff, Beyond Compare, etc.) is also very helpful. I would also set up a test store and check that everything works before replacing the live store code.


I've done this for several stores. Just take your time and double-check every change and you should be fine.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


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