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How to change Top


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Can anyone tell me how i would go about changing TOP to go to a different url than the one it goes to at the moment.




I have managed to change TOP to the wording that i want but can't do the url bit cant seem to find it anywhere.


Many thanks in advance

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  $breadcrumb->add(HEADER_TITLE_TOP, HTTP_SERVER);

Where do you want it to link to?


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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I want to link it to www.decor4kids.co.uk which is the home page of my site as this will be for my shop.


Many Thanks

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I want to link it to www.decor4kids.co.uk which is the home page of my site as this will be for my shop.

It already links to that.


Pick another number...


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


"Given enough impetus a parallelogramatically shaped projectile can egress a circular orifice."

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It already links to that.


Pick another number...





Sorry what i want it to direct to is www.decor4kids.co.uk not www.shop.decor4kids.co.uk like it does at the moment.


also looked at the application_top.php but no code there like you said in your previous post.

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  $breadcrumb->add(HEADER_TITLE_TOP, HTTP_SERVER);

Where do you want it to link to?


Change it to:


  $breadcrumb->add(HEADER_TITLE_TOP, 'http://www.decor4kids.co.uk ');

When you find the code.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


"Given enough impetus a parallelogramatically shaped projectile can egress a circular orifice."

- Me -


"Headers already sent" - The definitive help


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Change it to:


  $breadcrumb->add(HEADER_TITLE_TOP, 'http://www.decor4kids.co.uk ');

When you find the code.


Hi Germ


THanks for your help so far.


No matter how many times i look i cant seem to find it.


This is what i have got:


 </P> <P><?php
 $Id: application_top.php 1833 2008-01-30 22:03:30Z hpdl $</P> <P>  osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions
 <A href="http://www.oscommerce.com/">http://www.oscommerce.com</A></P> <P>  Copyright (c) 2008 osCommerce</P> <P>  Released under the GNU General Public License
*/</P> <P>// Start the clock for the page parse time log
 define('PAGE_PARSE_START_TIME', microtime());</P> <P>// Set the level of error reporting
 error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);</P> <P>// check support for register_globals
 if (function_exists('ini_get') && (ini_get('register_globals') == false) && (PHP_VERSION < 4.3) ) {
exit('Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory. Please use PHP 4.3+ if register_globals cannot be enabled on the server.');
 }</P> <P>// Set the local configuration parameters - mainly for developers
 if (file_exists('includes/local/configure.php')) include('includes/local/configure.php');</P> <P>// Include application configuration parameters
 require('includes/configure.php');</P> <P>// Define the project version
 define('PROJECT_VERSION', 'osCommerce Online Merchant v2.2 RC2a');</P> <P>// some code to solve compatibility issues
 require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'compatibility.php');</P> <P>// set php_self in the local scope
 $PHP_SELF = (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']) ? $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'] : $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_NAME']);</P> <P>// Used in the "Backup Manager" to compress backups
 define('LOCAL_EXE_GZIP', '/usr/bin/gzip');
 define('LOCAL_EXE_GUNZIP', '/usr/bin/gunzip');
 define('LOCAL_EXE_ZIP', '/usr/local/bin/zip');
 define('LOCAL_EXE_UNZIP', '/usr/local/bin/unzip');</P> <P>// include the list of project filenames
 require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'filenames.php');</P> <P>// include the list of project database tables
 require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'database_tables.php');</P> <P>// customization for the design layout
 define('BOX_WIDTH', 125); // how wide the boxes should be in pixels (default: 125)</P> <P>// Define how do we update currency exchange rates
// Possible values are 'oanda' 'xe' or ''
 define('CURRENCY_SERVER_PRIMARY', 'oanda');
 define('CURRENCY_SERVER_BACKUP', 'xe');</P> <P>// include the database functions
 require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'database.php');</P> <P>// make a connection to the database... now
 tep_db_connect() or die('Unable to connect to database server!');</P> <P>// set application wide parameters
 $configuration_query = tep_db_query('select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from ' . TABLE_CONFIGURATION);
 while ($configuration = tep_db_fetch_array($configuration_query)) {
define($configuration['cfgKey'], $configuration['cfgValue']);
 }</P> <P>// define our general functions used application-wide
 require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'general.php');
 require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'html_output.php');</P> <P>// initialize the logger class
 require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'logger.php');</P> <P>// include shopping cart class
 require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'shopping_cart.php');</P> <P>// check to see if php implemented session management functions - if not, include php3/php4 compatible session class
 if (!function_exists('session_start')) {
define('PHP_SESSION_NAME', 'osCAdminID');
define('PHP_SESSION_PATH', '/');
define('PHP_SESSION_SAVE_PATH', SESSION_WRITE_DIRECTORY);</P> <P>	include(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'sessions.php');
 }</P> <P>// define how the session functions will be used
 require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'sessions.php');</P> <P>// set the session name and save path
 tep_session_save_path(SESSION_WRITE_DIRECTORY);</P> <P>// set the session cookie parameters
  if (function_exists('session_set_cookie_params')) {
session_set_cookie_params(0, DIR_WS_ADMIN);
 } elseif (function_exists('ini_set')) {
ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', '0');
ini_set('session.cookie_path', DIR_WS_ADMIN);
 }</P> <P>// lets start our session
 tep_session_start();</P> <P>  if ( (PHP_VERSION >= 4.3) && function_exists('ini_get') && (ini_get('register_globals') == false) ) {
 }</P> <P>// set the language
 if (!tep_session_is_registered('language') || isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['language'])) {
if (!tep_session_is_registered('language')) {
}</P> <P>	include(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'language.php');
$lng = new language();</P> <P>	if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['language']) && tep_not_null($HTTP_GET_VARS['language'])) {
} else {
}</P> <P>	$language = $lng->language['directory'];
$languages_id = $lng->language['id'];
 }</P> <P>// redirect to login page if administrator is not yet logged in
 if (!tep_session_is_registered('admin')) {
$redirect = false;</P> <P>	$current_page = basename($PHP_SELF);</P> <P>	if ($current_page != FILENAME_LOGIN) {
  if (!tep_session_is_registered('redirect_origin')) {
	tep_session_register('redirect_origin');</P> <P>		$redirect_origin = array('page' => $current_page,
							 'get' => $HTTP_GET_VARS);
  }</P> <P>	  $redirect = true;
}</P> <P>	if ($redirect == true) {
}</P> <P>	unset($redirect);
 }</P> <P>// include the language translations
 require(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '.php');
 $current_page = basename($PHP_SELF);
 if (file_exists(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . $current_page)) {
include(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . $current_page);
 }</P> <P>// define our localization functions
 require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'localization.php');</P> <P>// Include validation functions (right now only email address)
 require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'validations.php');</P> <P>// setup our boxes
 require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'table_block.php');
 require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'box.php');</P> <P>// initialize the message stack for output messages
 require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'message_stack.php');
 $messageStack = new messageStack;</P> <P>// split-page-results
 require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'split_page_results.php');</P> <P>// entry/item info classes
 require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'object_info.php');</P> <P>// email classes
 require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'mime.php');
 require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'email.php');</P> <P>// file uploading class
 require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'upload.php');</P> <P>// calculate category path
 if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['cPath'])) {
$cPath = $HTTP_GET_VARS['cPath'];
 } else {
$cPath = '';
 }</P> <P>  if (tep_not_null($cPath)) {
$cPath_array = tep_parse_category_path($cPath);
$cPath = implode('_', $cPath_array);
$current_category_id = $cPath_array[(sizeof($cPath_array)-1)];
 } else {
$current_category_id = 0;
 }</P> <P>// default open navigation box
 if (!tep_session_is_registered('selected_box')) {
$selected_box = 'configuration';
 }</P> <P>  if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['selected_box'])) {
$selected_box = $HTTP_GET_VARS['selected_box'];
 }</P> <P>// the following cache blocks are used in the Tools->Cache section
// ('language' in the filename is automatically replaced by available languages)
 $cache_blocks = array(array('title' => TEXT_CACHE_CATEGORIES, 'code' => 'categories', 'file' => 'categories_box-language.cache', 'multiple' => true),
					array('title' => TEXT_CACHE_MANUFACTURERS, 'code' => 'manufacturers', 'file' => 'manufacturers_box-language.cache', 'multiple' => true),
					array('title' => TEXT_CACHE_ALSO_PURCHASED, 'code' => 'also_purchased', 'file' => 'also_purchased-language.cache', 'multiple' => true)
				   );</P> <P>// check if a default currency is set
 if (!defined('DEFAULT_CURRENCY')) {
$messageStack->add(ERROR_NO_DEFAULT_CURRENCY_DEFINED, 'error');
 }</P> <P>// check if a default language is set
 if (!defined('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE')) {
$messageStack->add(ERROR_NO_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_DEFINED, 'error');
 }</P> <P>  if (function_exists('ini_get') && ((bool)ini_get('file_uploads') == false) ) {
$messageStack->add(WARNING_FILE_UPLOADS_DISABLED, 'warning');
</P> <P>

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   define('PHP_SESSION_NAME', 'osCAdminID');

That's the file for your admin not the catalog.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


"Given enough impetus a parallelogramatically shaped projectile can egress a circular orifice."

- Me -


"Headers already sent" - The definitive help


"Cannot redeclare ..." - How to find/fix it


SSL Implementation Help


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Many Thanks Germ I have now sorted this problem. I am indebted to you and a very satisfied novice.


Thanks Again for your time.

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