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2.1 payment module question


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Hi, I've developed a payment module for 2.1 (for the Skipjack Service). The problem I'm having is figuring out what to do if I get back a failed authorization code from the cc processor.


It seems like the right thing to do is to check the response codes in PM_BEFORE_PROCESS and then re-direct via a header("Location:") call if the payment failed.


The problem that I'm encountering is that even though the page does get re-directed properly, all of the stuff that happens in checkout_process.php still happens. (e-mail is still sent, basket is emptied, etc.) Obviously, I don't want a confirmation e-mail sent and the basket to be emptied if their payment failed. I'm not sure why the stuff in that page is happening since I redirected the page.


Here is a little snippet of code from the bottom of PM_BEFORE_PROCESS



$response = SkipJack_Authorize($request);


if (!$response['szIsApproved']) {


header('Location: ' . tep_href_link (FILENAME_CHECKOUT_FAILURE, '',




Any suggestions?




PS. I consider myself a fairly experienced php coder, and an expert in the intracacies of osCommerce 2.1 having custom added coupons, bulk discounts, VIP discounts, etc.

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