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Removing the American Flag??


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Might be something to do with the language settings.


I don't use multiple languages, but from memory, I believe the flag shows when you use them. If I'm right, then you should be able to remove the flag by editing the code that generates the pages it's appearing on.



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if you want to remove the flag picture all together just replace the flag image with the pixel_trans.gif file.


Heres how you do it:


1. Copy the file catalogimagespixel_trans.gif to catalogincludeslanguages(your language)images


2. Backup the file icon.gif or just rename it to icon-old.gif


3. Rename the file you just copyed "catalogincludeslanguages(your language)imagespixel_trans.gif" to "icon.gif"



Note: that will remove the picture all together


Good Luck

Sean Cherven :wink:

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