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Crashing Problems with Go Daddy


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I'm hosting the OSC website w/ Go Daddy on their Deluxe Plan; I also purchased the SSL certificate through Go Daddy. The website crashes whenever I'm putting alot of load on the DB/website such as changing settings in the admin, adding/removing items in the admin, accessing the SSL pages during the checkout process, etc. When the website crashes, I have to wait 5-10mins and it'll come back up by itself. I've contacted the Go Daddy TS on multiple occassions and they cannot "replicate" the problem so they are absolutely no help. I also noticed that when accessing the secure areas such as the Check Out process, the http address changes to https however there is no "lock" icon on the bottom status bar of IE.


What is causing the problems? How do I fix these issues w/ Go Daddy? Can I do anything else on my end? Do I just need to switch to another hosting company and hope for the best? Thanks.

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whilst go daddy may not be the best host, they are not the worst either. i have worked on osc stroes that are hosted with them and i have not seen anything that would suggest their servers are inadiquate. editing/changing anything at the admin would not normally cause server/website overloaded or crashed. website crashes would occur when there are too many visitors or hits in a very short time period.


the ssl padlock on IE is not shown at the bottom but at the top next to the address bar. only FF shows the lock at the bottom (to the right). so on that note, i guess it'd be your problem or some kind of misunderstanding about how things work.

sorry for not being able to offer any specific solutions as the problem is not clear. u could ask someone to check it out from anothet location...


commercial support - unProtected channel, not to be confused with the forum with same name - open to everyone who need some professional help: either PM/email me, or go to my website (URL can be found in my profile).

over 20 years of computer programming experience.

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I agree with Ken on services by GoDaddy - and the load that you mention while making changes in Admin panel are negligible - to cause a crash.


What exactly happens when you are making changes, if you could define 'crash' and elaborate error message you may get, behaviour or even screenshot, perhaps we can guide you from there!!!



Best Regards,

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I appreciate the responses. I'll be clicking through the admin or e-commerce website ... changing admin settings, turning on/off products, adding/removing products, browsing through the e-commerce website links, adding products to cart, checking out, etc ... then all of a suddenly the website will get slow, then give the below screen. It's the typical error message when the address is wrong or if the connection went bad. It's not the connection on my end as I can still browse other websites during the crash time. However if I wait 5-10mins and try again by clicking refresh, everything will be normal again. If it was the actual website code then it would not come up no matter the period of waiting. I wonder if it's the shared SSL from Go Daddy? I'm trying to troubleshoot before switching to another hosting. Thanks.





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Ok, This response is typical as you rightly mentioned, with incorrect URL or Connection error.


Next time you encounter this try following

a. Start - > Run - > CMD -> Type TRACERT WWW.YOURSITE.COM and press enter.


This would display the hops it takes for you to reach your website. Capture the response in a text file and see where does it get stuck - (you may like to experiment with tracert yahoo.com or tracert google.com to compare)


b. When your admin panel goes down, does your cart also give the same response? Please try to open the cart as well.


c. Disable SSL for testing if it is indeed SSL responsible for this (from configure.php)


d. similar to tracert, you may also try PING YOURSITE.COM and see if you get any response or not and finally


e. If you are able to ping, and tracert also is working OK, but your browser is not showing pages, open google.com, select language tools, type URL of your site and select Spanish(or any language) to English translation. If Google displays the page - then there is something fishy within your computer, like corrupt dns records, or even with your ISP.


If you want, I can test your webpages from my location - though coordinating time would be a real test considering I would test from India and I am not sure about your location.



Good luck and do keep us posted!

Best Regards,

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A. Gary, it's funny that you mentioned to do the Trace. Go Daddy actually asked me to do it when I called their TS last week so I've included some of the results below by date & time.


B. Yes, when the website crashes ... both the admin and OSC website goes down; you cannot access either website thus no cart.


C & E. I have not tried these yet ... I guess they're next.



6/10 @ 10:52am

Hop (ms) (ms) (ms) IP Address Host name


1 20 21 20 -


2 16 75 16 xe-5-3-0.edge3.dallas1.level3.net


3 7 14 19 vlan99.csw4.dallas1.level3.net


4 19 19 41 ae-91-91.ebr1.dallas1.level3.net


5 45 54 51 ae-8-8.car1.phoenix1.level3.net


6 43 49 47 ae-11-11.car2.phoenix1.level3.net


7 40 48 73 the-go-dadd.car2.phoenix1.level3.net


8 54 56 37 ip-208-109-112-142.ip.secureserver.net


9 Timed out 31 Timed out ip-216-69-188-77.ip.secureserver.net


10 59 68 67 ip-208-109-112-98.ip.secureserver.net


11 38 43 37 ip-97-74-171-56.ip.secureserver.net

Trace complete



6/10 @ 10:11am

Hop (ms) (ms) (ms) IP Address Host name


1 45 53 82 -


2 32 30 19 xe-5-3-0.edge3.dallas1.level3.net


3 48 66 79 vlan99.csw4.dallas1.level3.net


4 8 17 23 ae-91-91.ebr1.dallas1.level3.net


5 46 67 60 ae-8-8.car1.phoenix1.level3.net


6 38 54 100 ae-11-11.car2.phoenix1.level3.net


7 54 52 34 the-go-dadd.car2.phoenix1.level3.net


8 34 34 35 ip-208-109-112-142.ip.secureserver.net


9 80 66 Timed out ip-216-69-188-77.ip.secureserver.net


10 49 57 44 ip-208-109-112-98.ip.secureserver.net


11 62 62 42 ip-97-74-171-56.ip.secureserver.net

Trace complete



6/10 @ 10am

Hop (ms) (ms) (ms) IP Address Host name


1 10 6 7 -


2 15 14 10 xe-5-3-0.edge3.dallas1.level3.net


3 19 18 21 vlan99.csw4.dallas1.level3.net


4 23 15 20 ae-91-91.ebr1.dallas1.level3.net


5 38 42 39 ae-8-8.car1.phoenix1.level3.net


6 35 45 30 ae-11-11.car2.phoenix1.level3.net


7 69 66 53 the-go-dadd.car2.phoenix1.level3.net


8 35 Timed out Timed out ip-208-109-112-142.ip.secureserver.net


9 Timed out Timed out Timed out



6/9 @ 3:47pm

Hop (ms) (ms) (ms) IP Address Host name


1 29 19 9 -


2 10 13 7 xe-5-3-0.edge3.dallas1.level3.net


3 7 14 17 vlan99.csw4.dallas1.level3.net


4 9 17 18 ae-91-91.ebr1.dallas1.level3.net


5 31 30 30 ae-8-8.car1.phoenix1.level3.net


6 32 41 36 ae-11-11.car2.phoenix1.level3.net


7 35 42 42 the-go-dadd.car2.phoenix1.level3.net


8 34 31 31 ip-208-109-112-142.ip.secureserver.net


9 33 34 31 -


10 33 33 37 ip-208-109-112-98.ip.secureserver.net


11 35 31 32 ip-97-74-171-56.ip.secureserver.net

Trace complete



6/9 @ 2:59pm

Hop (ms) (ms) (ms) IP Address Host name


1 22 8 9 -


2 23 34 14 xe-5-3-0.edge3.dallas1.level3.net


3 12 19 16 vlan99.csw4.dallas1.level3.net


4 10 23 13 ae-91-91.ebr1.dallas1.level3.net


5 33 36 31 ae-8-8.car1.phoenix1.level3.net


6 35 32 33 ae-11-11.car2.phoenix1.level3.net


7 36 33 31 the-go-dadd.car2.phoenix1.level3.net


8 44 44 58 ip-208-109-112-142.ip.secureserver.net


9 44 32 31 ip-216-69-188-77.ip.secureserver.net


10 46 32 33 ip-208-109-112-98.ip.secureserver.net


11 38 32 33 ip-97-74-171-56.ip.secureserver.net

Trace complete



6/9 @ 2:37pm

Hop (ms) (ms) (ms) IP Address Host name


1 21 48 20 -


2 26 58 50 xe-5-3-0.edge3.dallas1.level3.net


3 105 105 78 vlan99.csw4.dallas1.level3.net


4 26 31 17 ae-91-91.ebr1.dallas1.level3.net


5 78 68 56 ae-8-8.car1.phoenix1.level3.net


6 46 52 60 ae-11-11.car2.phoenix1.level3.net


7 37 35 48 the-go-dadd.car2.phoenix1.level3.net


8 39 76 48 ip-208-109-112-142.ip.secureserver.net


9 34 31 32 ip-216-69-188-77.ip.secureserver.net


10 34 31 31 ip-208-109-112-98.ip.secureserver.net


11 45 34 34 ip-97-74-171-56.ip.secureserver.net

Trace complete

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i spent about 10 min on your site browsing randomly almost every link and was able to create an account and complete an order. i did not experience any problem at all and the response speed is normal not lightening fast but not painfully slow either. or could it be that i was lucky during that short time period.


you appear to be using a template which i can tell by the common problem those templates share: the my accout/login links at the top menu bar do not switch to SSL automatically, and once logged in there is no log off link any where.


with just a few test products at the moment on your site i dont see why there would be a problem RE server load. one thing i did notice is that your SSL cert is issued to your domain without www but yet the site was able to use the SSL cert with the www added to the domain, which is a bit of unusual but then i dont know how godaddy handle their SSLs on their servers.

i wish i have more time to do more tests...



commercial support - unProtected channel, not to be confused with the forum with same name - open to everyone who need some professional help: either PM/email me, or go to my website (URL can be found in my profile).

over 20 years of computer programming experience.

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Ken, so you're the one that submitted the test order ... I was wondering who would order for an incompleted website. ;) Yes, I'm using a template from Template Download. The "Account" does not switch to SSL however each of the options below it such as address, password, etc do switch to SSL. FYI: the website crashed again as I went through each of the options under "Account" as I was following up on what you noticed regarding the SSL. Are you referring to the "Log Off" link in the footer?


I also remembered something in which I forgot to mention earlier. During my last conversation w/ Go Daddy TS last week; the website crashed on my end during the conversation however Go Daddy TS stated they could still access/see everything. Weird?

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yes it was me did the test order.

RE SSL auto switch: the links at the top menu bar if from the template and they are 99.99% not care or know about how to properly coded to use SSL if availabe. any where on the site such as the account details you mentioned it is the built in function of oscommerce that knows how and whne to use SSL. templates are made by web designers who do not know much about oscommerce, based on my experience of all sorts of these templates.


i guess the problem is more to do at your end including your isp/router. i have a client who once hept complaining he could not see his site but he could browse any other sites. i used logmein to get on hold his pc and it turned out to be a problem with his isp/router.

Good luck!



ps i did not notice there was a log off link at the footer but then it was wrong to put the log off link there as no one would look at there for it - itd be at the top where you click log in.

commercial support - unProtected channel, not to be confused with the forum with same name - open to everyone who need some professional help: either PM/email me, or go to my website (URL can be found in my profile).

over 20 years of computer programming experience.

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Yes, I have an idea. Change hosts. I started with godaddy and had problems from day one. Tech Support is marginal to non-existent. I would call TS, ask a question, get put on hold, then get disconnected. My site was still not functioning after 1 week. I took my hosting elsewhere. Find a host that has everything under one roof. godaddy is just a name and almost everything is outsourced. The last time I posted anything about hosting Zan kicked it out in about 2 seconds. Try Hostgator. They advertise in the banner in the upper right hand corner on occasion. I went from setting up an account to having the site up in less than 5 hours.

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Kuai, too funny. On a scale from 1-10 (10 being great), I'd rank Go Daddy's TS at ~2; I've only spoken to 1 TS individual who was willing to help. What do you mean Go Daddy is outsourced? Why did Zan kick your hosting question? I'm planning to go w/ Omnis; I've used them for the primary non-OSC website for ~9yrs w/out any issues. I also know of 2 old clients who use them for their OSC websites w/ no issues; I was trying to be different w/ Go Daddy but I guess I made the wrong decision. I'm trying to find options before switching. :)

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Kuai, too funny. On a scale from 1-10 (10 being great), I'd rank Go Daddy's TS at ~2; I've only spoken to 1 TS individual who was willing to help. What do you mean Go Daddy is outsourced? Why did Zan kick your hosting question? I'm planning to go w/ Omnis; I've used them for the primary non-OSC website for ~9yrs w/out any issues. I also know of 2 old clients who use them for their OSC websites w/ no issues; I was trying to be different w/ Go Daddy but I guess I made the wrong decision. I'm trying to find options before switching. :)



I was seeking a reputable host for osC at the time and I ask that question in the forums. If you need help, you ask for it, right? Zanjee(I think that's the osC team member's name) said questions about seeking a host in the forums invites spamming or something to that effect and the question was booted in about 2 seconds. I guess as long as Hostgator is paying for advertising, that's ok. However, I searched the net for days before making a decision. Alot of pros and cons to read.

Before I could actually get any help at godaddy, I had to email the office of the president. I was already fed up with TS. Tier 1 support can talk to tier 2, but tier 2 doesn't talk to the public. Godaddy told me this. This is stupid in my opinion. Tier 1 gets limited training. Godaddy also told me that. If you need to reset a password, get a domain name, or something non-technical, you'll be ok. godaddy is a multitude of companies from my understanding.

When Hostgator told me their tier 1 support was better than most hosting providers tier 2 support, I called TS at Hostgator and started asking questions. Well, guess what. My questions were answered. TS didn't tranfer me to 15 different people. I had questions about what goes where in the config files. TS took the time to install osC through fantastico, read the config files, and I was on my way. And if you can't get something solved, the owner himself will take care of it. just fill out the ticket for him and he will personally take care of it. where else will you get that kind of service. Nowhere.



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Update ... I moved the hosting from Go Daddy to Omnis earlier today. I noticed some interesting changes: Go Daddy is using phpMyAdmin v2.11.9.4 while Omnis is using v3.1.5, admin/modules now works, admin/tools/DB backup, cache control, define languages and file manager now works, and best of all ... the OSC website has NOT crashed since the migration! :) I will continue to test and post follow ups.

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i used to host on godaddy. while there are worse hosts, you'll start to feel a pinch once you accumulate a modest amount of traffic.


you'll experience frequent "timeouts" and unresponsiveness, all to the bewilderment of their staff. they'll blame your scripts and/or software.. leaving you scrambling to find a solution to a problem that really doesn't exist.

their support is probably the absolute WORST in all of the hosting industry.



if you take pride in what you hope your site will become, you'll find a more suitable provider.


i should mention, they are great for domains. but i will never again EVER host an actual website with them.

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Eww, I totally understand. Also, why is Go Daddy "great for domains?"

simply put: i've never had a single problem when registering or renewing a domain since 2003.

never had to contact their domain support for anything either.


as a casual customer (i don't register domains or host sites for business) that's a very good track record.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is an update to my post on 6/25; NO crashes since my migration off the Go Daddy servers. The OSC website runs faster and No chases. I was even updating the website for a solid 5hrs+ yesterday and no issues. I think the problem has been solved. :)

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  • 1 month later...

I am having a similar problem with my oscommerce installation on godaddy.com. at first there where no issues but it all started when i purchased their ssl. It is my observation that the problems only ocure when im using the admin but not when I'm logged on to my web page. is there some kind of compatibility issues with oscommerce and godaddy's ssl? i cant afford to switch to a new hosting to solve this problem.

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  • 1 year later...

Ok, This response is typical as you rightly mentioned, with incorrect URL or Connection error.


Next time you encounter this try following

a. Start - > Run - > CMD -> Type TRACERT WWW.YOURSITE.COM and press enter.


This would display the hops it takes for you to reach your website. Capture the response in a text file and see where does it get stuck - (you may like to experiment with tracert yahoo.com or tracert google.com to compare)


b. When your admin panel goes down, does your cart also give the same response? Please try to open the cart as well.


c. Disable SSL for testing if it is indeed SSL responsible for this (from configure.php)


d. similar to tracert, you may also try PING YOURSITE.COM and see if you get any response or not and finally


e. If you are able to ping, and tracert also is working OK, but your browser is not showing pages, open google.com, select language tools, type URL of your site and select Spanish(or any language) to English translation. If Google displays the page - then there is something fishy within your computer, like corrupt dns records, or even with your ISP.


If you want, I can test your webpages from my location - though coordinating time would be a real test considering I would test from India and I am not sure about your location.



Good luck and do keep us posted!


Thank you for sharing the needed information...

By the way you can do ping test from the website whoisxy.com It is free for testing and you get the information(bandwith,speed).

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