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Chrome and opera doesnt work on my shop


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Hello. I have completed my shop, however whenever i try to load it in either Opera or Google Chrome it loads the english version of the page, instead of the danish one. It works fine in explorer and firefox. Any help would be appreciated.

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I guess I need to bump this topic to get an answer. If someone has better searching skills than i do, then a link to the appropriate topic would be excellent too.

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When I load it (FF3), I see English text with Danish buttons and shopping cart label, and a few missing defines: BOX_INFORMATION_EDB_FORSIKRING, BOX_HEADING_PAYMENTLOGO, BOX_HEADING_LOGO, STAR_TITLE. I guess they're defined in your Danish language files but not in English? I don't see any place where the visitor is given a choice of languages, so do you have it correctly hardcoded to Danish? Is there a Danish entry in the 'languages' table? I think the default language is English.

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