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Costumers Cant login or finalize create account


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I have my shop allmost ready, and I am testing it now.

Trying to create account as new costumer, I can get trough all steps, but at the end, when try to finalize, following error message appears:


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/*********/public_html/*********/includes/application_top.php:557) in /home/******/public_html/********/includes/functions/general.php on line 33


I have read some threads about this, but cannot solve problem.


Can someone please help in simple way?

I'm portuguese, and english technical is sometimes very hard to understand.


Thank you



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I have tried the debugger tool, but nothing happend.


I have edited the pages mentioned in error statement, and this is what I find:


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/*********/public_html/*********/includes/application_top.php:557


LINE 557: <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript">


) in /home/******/public_html/********/includes/functions/general.php on line 33


LINE 33: header('Location: ' . $url);


None of the files has a extra empty line before start or end of file.


Can someone please help me?

I have tried everything, and I really need this page up and running.


Many thanks to anyone who can try to help me.

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You've evidently got something outputting text to the browser before osC sends its own headers. When text is sent to the browser first thing, it forces the server to also send "default HTTP headers" to the browser. So, you need to find the cruft that is providing text too early:


* error messages from PHP or MySQL

* empty lines ahead of <? or <?php, or after ?>

* lines with just blanks or tabs outside of the PHP code (<? or <?php to ?>)

* stray text, such as from a botched editing session or contribution installation, outside of the PHP code

* UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (three strange looking characters) put at the very beginning of a file by idiot Microsoft editors.


It's got to be one of the above items. The first one won't show up in any .php file, but the other four should. Use a real editor (ViM and Notepad++ are highly recommended) to remove or fix them.

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Do you want t post the file here so we can see it?


Do you have a lot of modifications to your system? My (unmodified RC2a) application_top.php is only 510 lines long. If you could post line 557 plus 20 to 30 lines before AND after, I could take a crack at it. The line 557 you posted before shouldn't be causing any output, unless it's an error message that there's an unexpected '<'. That would be due to HTML code being plopped down in the middle of a PHP section.


Have you done a browser View > Page Source to confirm that there's no hidden text being output that you just happened to miss? Is the error message about not being able to send the headers, the very first thing, with no blanks or tabs or empty lines (or other text) before it?


At general.php line 33, it's trying to send a header for "Location", and it's complaining that the default headers have already been sent.

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