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The e-commerce.

!CRITICAL! CC Type field missing?


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I am in need of serious help. I have created and designed the entire oscommerce site but my one problem is when you go to check out, and are promted to input your CC information, it does not ask what "type" of CC you are using.. For example, it asks CC #, Your name, epxiration date, but nowhere does it ask what type of CC you are using or the CCV code..


can someone please help me out, this is the last piece to my puzzle.



The website can be found and tested at www.AmericanPondandGarden.com feel free to test it yourself and office any advise you can.


The screen shot is attached.



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The credit card module that comes with osC is not for "production" use.


You probably will want to get a merchant account and use one of the payment gateways like Authorize.net (there are others).


If your site handles CC info you MUST be PCI compliant (<-- it's a link click it). Huge penalties can be levied against you if you do not "following the rules" when it comes to CC processing..


PCI compliance is something that is not cheap (at least that's what I've heard) nor entered into frivously...



That's why most choose an offsite gateway/processor.


They get a "slice of your pie", but it does have it's advantages.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


"Given enough impetus a parallelogramatically shaped projectile can egress a circular orifice."

- Me -


"Headers already sent" - The definitive help


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I don't know if this will be of any help or not...and I'm not quite sure if you "have" to have a field asking for the type of cc, but just FYI:

ALL cc numbers starting with 3 are American Express,

ALL cc numbers starting with 4 are Visa,

ALL cc numbers starting with 5 are MasterCard, and

ALL cc numbers starting with 6 are Discover.

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