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404 Error when updating english.php file


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I'm just starting out and thought everything was going well. I was using notepad++ to update files before uplaoding and all were accepting and updating correctly.

Then I started receiving error logs and the Online Catalog would not load as a page - and I just get a blank page when I click on it to view. The file upload shows the standard upload successful messge (in green).


Error message says File does not exist: /home/the../public_html/404.shtml and File does not exist: /home/the../public_html/favicon.ico


I checked all files and made sure permissions were ste at 755 (not sure if that matters, but some threads talked about that causing some error messages)

I was updating the english.php & index.php file when teh errors started to occur.


I don't know what else to check. Can anyone help?

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The white page problem, given what you were doing, is usually caused by uploading the file that goes in the languages directory into the root directory be mistake.


The errors don't have to do with this problem. They are saying that those files don't exist, which they probably don't. To fix the 404, add your own 404 file to the root (see Custom Server Error Pages in My Addons). To fix the favicon, create and install a favicon (search google for how to do that). Both of those should be done. The first is important to control what your customers see on a page not found error and the second will cut down on bandwidth usage.



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presumably you haven't done a great deal yet, so I'd look at the original english & index files and copy and paste over yours, or re-upload them. If its all still going wrong then maybe you should start again!


It doesn't take much to throw a spanner in the works, my favourite way of botching things up is in the use of the apostrophe! I often write rec'd cos i'm too lazy to write in full and that really cocks things up, as it things i'm adding code!


good luck



Running a botched up version of  osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4 bootstrap with the dresscode theme installed, numerous add-ons, terrible coding, terrible website, but will have to make do until I have made up for my losses and can risk shutting down for a couple of weeks while I start all over again. - I did not install my program but am endeavouring to fix it with your help.

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