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[Contribution] Option Types v2


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Hi Zappo:

Very nice works. Thank you for that greatest contributions! The shopping cart contents seemed so complicated and the product description with options weren't in the right place due to too many column. Is there any idea I could get it like normal OSC shopping cart?(Options under product name in the same TD) Thanks for your support!


Best Regards!

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Hello people


I'm trying to get the features of option types v2 into the product content pages of sts. Since I don't want to spam this forum, I started a new topic.


Option Types v2 for sts content pages


Any input will be appreciated

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Ok everyone...

Released: Option Types v2.1.3

* Fixed issue with products_attributes.php -> updating Text/Upload Options

* Fixed issue with Image Types not being added

* Went back to (Deprecated!!!) $HTTP_####_VARS (to avoid confusion)


Please report any bugs you may encouter!



P.S. I really don't have time to update the readme and/or installation guides...



can you tell me which files have been modified. i would update the installation if i knew this by comparing old with new


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Can you help please

Database error





# osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

# http://www.oscommerce.com


# Database Changes for Option Types v2


# created by AvanOsch for http://Shop.CrystalCopy.nl


# Released under the GNU General Public License

# Add Option Types configuration menu in Admin

INSERT INTO `configuration_group`



'', 'Option Types', 'Configure Option Types and Upload settings.', '17', '1'







#1046 - No database selected

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Can you help please

Database error




#1046 - No database selected


You're kidding right?

Edited by Zappo

Like Eek said... It never hurts to help!

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(((no not kidding)))

The error says:



#1046 - No database selected


So, select the correct database before running the sql...

(Can't see your image by the way)

Edited by Zappo

Like Eek said... It never hurts to help!

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Ok... Can see your image now...

Doesn't change the fact that you must select the Database before you can insert any data into it!!!

Those mySQL errors are not just some Hocus Pocus!!! This error seems pretty clear to me:

No database selected

To show you what a selected database looks like:



(You should really study mySql/PHP somewhat before you go and customize osCommerce... This is REALLY basic)

Like Eek said... It never hurts to help!

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I was installing the wrong picture

So you were also reporting the wrong error <_<

No need to post images for each error. Just post the error. (I know what phpMyAdmin looks like :P )

The field configuration_group_id SHOULD automatically increment, so there should be no need to give a value for it...

Did you change the Configuration_Group table (for some other contribution)???


To get around this (although this should not be needed):

Change the first '' (before 'Option Types') to '99'

That should do the trick...

Edited by Zappo

Like Eek said... It never hurts to help!

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hello all,


does any one knows how to force one attribute to be always selected when the user opens the product_info.php page


let say i have 5 attributes there and the first one is always selected when entering the page. this would be in my case the lower price one




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hello all,


does any one knows how to force one attribute to be always selected when the user opens the product_info.php page


let say i have 5 attributes there and the first one is always selected when entering the page. this would be in my case the lower price one





this is what i did in option_types.php changing $checked = true to false; } else {$checked = false to true;. this chnage firces one of the radio options to be force selected. this is a bodge as far as i am concerned but works. i hope some one will come up with better idea





$tmp_html = '<table>';

$products_options_query = tep_db_query("select pov.products_options_values_id, pov.products_options_values_name, pa.options_values_price, pa.price_prefix from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " pa, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES . " pov where pa.products_id = '" . (int)$product_info['products_id'] . "' and pa.options_id = '" . $ProdOpt_ID . "' and pa.options_values_id = pov.products_options_values_id and pov.language_id = '" . $languages_id . "' order by pa.products_options_sort_order");

while ($products_options_array = tep_db_fetch_array($products_options_query)) {

if (isset($cart->contents[$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id']]['attributes'][$ProdOpt_ID]) && ($products_options_array['products_options_values_id'] == $cart->contents[$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id']]['attributes'][$ProdOpt_ID])) {

$checked = false;

} else {

$checked = true;


$tmp_html .= '<tr><td class="main">';

$tmp_html .= tep_draw_radio_field('id[' . $ProdOpt_ID . ']', $products_options_array['products_options_values_id'], $checked);

$tmp_html .= $products_options_array['products_options_values_name'];

if ($products_options_array['options_values_price'] != '0') {

$tmp_html .= ' (' . $products_options_array['price_prefix'] . $currencies->display_price($products_options_array['options_values_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($product_info['products_tax_class_id'])) .') ';


$tmp_html .= '</tr></td>';


$tmp_html .= '</table>'; ?>


<td class="main"><?php echo '<strong>'. $ProdOpt_Name . ':</strong>' ; ?><?php echo $tmp_html .'<small>' . $ProdOpt_Comment . '</small>'; ?> </td>

</tr> <?php



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I installed the complete package. Everything seems to work fine, however, when I create an option like "custom design" and assign option type OPTIONS_TYPE_CHECKBOX_NAME, (then ultimatly assign it a value and enter it as a product attribute), the attribute displays in the product_info page, but as a drop menu, not as a checkbox. I cannot get it to do anything else either, no textarea, radio button, etc. Any ideas?



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I installed the complete package. Everything seems to work fine, however, when I create an option like "custom design" and assign option type OPTIONS_TYPE_CHECKBOX_NAME, (then ultimatly assign it a value and enter it as a product attribute), the attribute displays in the product_info page, but as a drop menu, not as a checkbox. I cannot get it to do anything else either, no textarea, radio button, etc. Any ideas?




Also, I just noticed that all of my product options say "Error 0" under option type.

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Maybe i'm missing something, can anyone tell me how I (as the admin) can see the info my customers write in the custom fields once they place their order? For instance, when a customer fills out all the fields I have created with their information and then checkout, I get an order in the admin, but that order does not list the information they wrote. Also, I have my customers uploading a file (an image) and I would also like the order to tell me which image goes with the specific product.

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Hello. I first want to say "Thank You!" This add on sounds GREAT! Thanks for the time and effort on it!


I seem to be missing something (obvious) in my installation. I cant seem to make it work... ware do i copy the files to?


# run the SQL file to include the database changes (OptionTypes v2 SQL.sql)

# Clean Install:


* Copy all provided files in the Option Types v2 folder over your osCommerce installation



Im sure this should be simple, but not sure what directory to copy the files to. I have tried a frwe locations but am still missing something because i cant see how to add text field attributes via the attributes editor.


Thanks so much!

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Copy all provided files in the Option Types v2 folder over your osCommerce installation


All files need to go to the same directories as they are in the package you downloaded.


You have a folder in there called option types v2. Thats your root, or "catalog"

ie file optiontypes v2/admin/includes/database_tables.php goes to [catalog]/admin/includes/database_tables.php.


There is no second option where a file could be placed, just one, if it is the correct, then it works, if not, then not


If you have a virgin installation, you can just copy the files over, if not, then you need to compare and merge the files.

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All files need to go to the same directories as they are in the package you downloaded.


You have a folder in there called option types v2. Thats your root, or "catalog"

ie file optiontypes v2/admin/includes/database_tables.php goes to [catalog]/admin/includes/database_tables.php.


There is no second option where a file could be placed, just one, if it is the correct, then it works, if not, then not


If you have a virgin installation, you can just copy the files over, if not, then you need to compare and merge the files.



THANK YOU!!! That seems so obvious now! Worked like a charm (of course). I really appreciate your FAST help! Thanks again!

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I've got the Product Options showing on my Product Info page, however, the Option Value Name doesn't appear (only the price, and the general option name (like "Color").


So, I have an option name called "Extras" (type = checkbox), and I've created a Value called "Conditioning Film Sheets", and I've added this as a Product Attribute for $14.95. But the product info page shows:


Available Options:

Extras: [] (+$14.95)


What am I missing?

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I've got the Product Options showing on my Product Info page, however, the Option Value Name doesn't appear (only the price, and the general option name (like "Color").


So, I have an option name called "Extras" (type = checkbox), and I've created a Value called "Conditioning Film Sheets", and I've added this as a Product Attribute for $14.95. But the product info page shows:


Available Options:

Extras: [] (+$14.95)


What am I missing?

Any other Contributions?

Seems Option_Types.php doesn't find (or set) the values from database table products_options_values

Maybe you can check with different option types (do they show there?)

Like Eek said... It never hurts to help!

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