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PayPal Website Payments Standard Integration


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Hi all,


I'll start by telling you now that I'm completely new to this application. Hopefully this isn't a stupid question.


I'm trying to install the Paypal website payments standard using the admin on osCommerce. I have selected the correct line, then edit and now it's asking for some information down the righ hand side of the screen in blue.


such things like:

Your Private Key

Your Public Certificate

PayPals Public Certificate

Your PayPal Public Certificate ID

Working Directory



Obviously I'm looking in the wrong places cos I can't find this information on either oscommerce's or paypal's websites


Help please

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I was having the same problem... well, I am also new to this and don´t much ....but I found this link:




here you can download the file: PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN_v3.0a and install it... within there step by step file, follow it and you will be running PayPal on your site .... it´s simple and easy.


Also if you dont already have it, you need to open a business or premier account with paypal in order to receive payments... hope this helps.

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Thanks for the speedy response.


On that page that you've linked to, which file do I actually want to install, and there are quite a few all dating back to 2005?


In addition I've been looking on the PayPal website and found the heading 'API' is this something I need to activate.


Has anyone done a walkthrough to setup PayPal Website Payments Standard Integration?

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