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Possible simple fix avoiding me

Will B

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I have been working jointly with my brother on a site and he decided to remove the delete button (and any option/ability to delete when he did) in the order info screen under the Customers/Orders tab. I was wondering if this button (and its functionality) can be replaced on the page? I would hate to have to delete the orders manually out of the DB and break any links to other aspects of the DB that query from those orders. Any input is appreciated.

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If you do not have the backup, open a newly downloaded file and the one in question using a program like winmerge and dif them. Should help.

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I am pretty new to osCommerce so please bear with me. how can i access a new install file to look at the difference? Do i need to set up a test acct/domain and try it there? I just don't want to damage what I currently have completed. This is one of only two issues that i have been able to find. Suggestions to get to fresh install files? Thanks for the assistance so far.

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