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forgot my password


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hey guys i have a severe problem i forgot my password


i can still log on via ftp to upload stuff but i can get in to my admin control panel


i cant remember my password is there away around this




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Either look for one of the many contributions to reset passwords or delete all the records in the administrators table.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi all!


Have same problem - admin password forgotten.


Tried the following:


1: Deleted the admin password in table 'administrator' using phpMyadmin and tried to login. Did not receive message to create new password and login failed.


2. Deleted all records in table 'administrator' using phpMyadmin.

Attempted login in admin section ... received error message: No administrators exist in the database table. Please fill in the following information to create the first administrator. (A manual login is still required after this step)

The only info to fill in on the page was the normal login and password entry, but filling in had no positive results. Ergo: failure.


3. Viewed the video provided by user AnyDemo. But: Neither does my configuration have a '.htpasswds' directory nor could I find a file called 'passwd' anywhere else in the webspace.


4. Attempted to reset a normal users password from the frontend. To no avail! Error message: '...email is not registered ...'


All of this is quite suspect to me. Has my shop been hacked?


Best regards,

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