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Search problems in 2 languages


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it is strange, but when i try to search in English version of my store, even for something I know is there, it is not found.

When I try to search for something in the Bulgariah version, it doesnt find it if it is typed AXACTLY as it appears in the item description, i.e. CASE sensitive.


here is the site to test




try both languages and just search for some of the item you see.

OSC beginner

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it is strange, but when i try to search in English version of my store, even for something I know is there, it is not found.

When I try to search for something in the Bulgariah version, it doesnt find it if it is typed AXACTLY as it appears in the item description, i.e. CASE sensitive.


here is the site to test




try both languages and just search for some of the item you see.

sorry this


When I try to search for something in the Bulgariah version, it doesnt find it if it is typed AXACTLY as it appears in the item description, i.e. CASE sensitive.


should read


When I try to search for something in the Bulgariah version, it doesnt find it if it is NOT typed EXACTLY as it appears in the item description, i.e. CASE sensitive.


Help appreciated

OSC beginner

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you may want to checkout any of the enhanced searches in the contrib section, cause many people are not satisfied with the search results of the standard function.



I have Advanced search attributies addon. still the same, now even stranger - if you search for something you know its there it finds all items in the store. please try it.

OSC beginner

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you may want to checkout any of the enhanced searches in the contrib section, cause many people are not satisfied with the search results of the standard function.

can you recommend some please.

OSC beginner

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The search problem still persists. Now when I serch for something I know is there it finds all items.

I am not 100% sure but this might started after I installed 'all items' contrib. Does anyone have the same problem?

OSC beginner

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