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The e-commerce.

Download .mp3


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I've just build an oscommerce shop that sells mp3 songs. I've configured it with no problems, so when the user pays for a song, the link appears at the download area. The problem is that when the user clicks the link, the browser starts playing the song instead of asking the user to download it in a custom folder...


Is there any choice to force the download?


Thanks a lot!



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Is there any choice to force the download?


It sounds like your server is configured to serve up any .mp3 files in a playable format. Check with your hosting service on how to deal with this -- it may be as simple as adding a line to your .htaccess file:

RemoveHandler  .mp3

but I'd check first. They might want you to add a different handler in its place.


If you're not on an Apache server, all bets are off.

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