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Shipping Insurance 2.0 - need help


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I've installed the Shipping Insurance 2.0 exactly as per all the Readme.txt files.

The check box does show up on the Shipping page but the Order Total on the Confirmation page doesn't reflect the insurance price.

Also it is not included in the payment total upon submission.

I don't mean PayPal or Authorize.net, i mean just the built in CC module or even COD module.


I went through it with a fine tooth comb and checked all the settings, but still doesn't work.


Anyone had the same issue, or anyone that can point in the right direction, would be greatly appreciated.

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For anyone who cares...


I fixed the issue, there were two things wrong.


1. Sort Order under Admin / Modules / Order Total was wrong. I had "Total" and "Shipping Insurance" both set to 4.

I didn't set it myself, so probably a bug in the installation, which assumes that "Total" is 3 and sets shipping insurance to 4.


2. After that it still didn't work on the Confirmation Page. I couldn't make it to work on the shipping page so as soon as i moved it to the payment page it started working. I guess the POST method wasn't getting from shipping to confirmation.

So if you stick with Shipping Insurance rev 2.01 or 2 instructions, you'll be good.

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