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EasyPopulate Tax Problem


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I'm using EP 2.4b7 to populate my shop and I must say it's a great contribution. Been using it since the beginning and it keeps getting better.


Only one question though. what do you have to put in the v_tax_class_title field so all products are automatically put into that tax class? I only have one Tax group defined, but when I put that groups' name into the v_tax_class_title field. My products don't end up into that group?!? is this feature still in development maybe?


Anyone got any experiance with this?


thanks a lot!


:(o o): . (o o) (o o)


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ok, found the solution for the tax thing...


other problem now. ep does upload my price correctly. everything after the decimal point (a "," in my case) is not updated in the database. This ofcourse screws up the whole tax calculation :cry:


@Tim : could it be that ep only takes a "." as a decimal sign?


any help would be appreciated...




:(o o): . (o o) (o o)


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I know in America you use "." as a decimal symbol, so is it possible that this was hardcoded into EP?


I use "," instead, and everything behind that "," is lost when uploading data...


is this normal?


:(o o): . (o o) (o o)


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ok, found the solution for the tax thing...


other problem now. ep does upload my price correctly. everything after the decimal point (a "," in my case) is not updated in the database. This ofcourse screws up the whole tax calculation :cry:


@Tim : could it be that ep only takes a "." as a decimal sign?


any help would be appreciated...




Hi again. EP doesn't do any tinkering with the comma separators either. It should really be a switchable configuration thing for EP to convert from decimals to commas for the download, and from commas to decimals on the upload.


It's basically a str_replace of the "," with "." and vice-versa for both upload and download on the applicable fields. Same problem most likely exists with fractional weights as well.





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I'm using EP 2.4b7 to populate my shop and I must say it's a great contribution. Been using it since the beginning and it keeps getting better.


Only one question though. what do you have to put in the v_tax_class_title field so all products are automatically put into that tax class? I only have one Tax group defined, but when I put that groups' name into the v_tax_class_title field. My products don't end up into that group?!? is this feature still in development maybe?


Anyone got any experiance with this?


thanks a lot!

What's the solution to the tax thing????

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