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Anybody know if this is a contribution?


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I looked through the contributions and didn't see this, anyone recognize this links add on?




I'm not associated with the site, so no advertising intended! I just want the links portion!!!



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Yes, but they won't even admit that it is an osC site, although it obviously is. I don't hold out much hope of them offering up the add on info. Souceforge.net's search function is overloaded right now, I'll go look again later.

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It is a OSC site, no dout. I've also even seen questions from this site owner on this forum. Only thing about the links.php is that I'm not a big fan of providing links to my customers. All they do is take them away from your site maybe never to return. My site has links only becuase of the donation aspect of what we are doing. We also have busineses that have donated items to our cause. But, I've been taught, if you do provide links to your visitors, bury them deep in your site so they have to really look to find them, meanwhile it gets them to browse your site more.


Just my opinion.



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On the flip side, links pages that have content *bring* visitors to your pages. I have 2 very large link directories and get mega hits from search engines AND the surfers follow my own links to my sites and do end up spending money on my own site. You just need to be sure the links target your customer base, the category pages contain links to your own content, the category pages have good meta tags and real content other than the links themselves. If you want to really "capture" the visitors, have the links open in a frame that has your menu or home button at the top.


That is why I like this particular link package rather than one that just gives you a list of links, categories are important!


BTW, I can't figure it out, but one of the MOST hit pages on one of my sites is Origami/Money Folding, AND the people that hit that page, go to other pages within my site and go shopping :) I don't get it. I linked to Paper Folding books to see if that is what they are looking for and no sales, so I don't know. I really don't care as long as they spend money :) but I like to give surfers what they are looking for.... usually. The dudes searching for persian females that get to my cat pages DON'T get what they are looking for!





Just another view

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mmmmmmmmm :) . I see your point, I'm going to have to rethink my beliefs. But, one point still is valid, bury the link pages deep into your site. It will bring in customers, as you said, but won't give new arrivals the chance to go off on another link. Or at least if they want to find your link, make them really search your site for them.


I do like the way that the links are set up on the site that loxly found. I think with a little modification of the forum contrib, it might be possible to duplicate the way that they have them. I think that is the way they did it. It is awfully reminisent of a forum. I'll have to check it out and see what I can do.



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I'm sorry Loxly, I should read the posters before posting. I didn't realize that it was you that made the last post until I hit submit. :oops: :oops:


If I figure it out I will post it as a contrib. But, It may be a while.



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I have a rule, I never build a site where the visitor can leave in the first 4 clicks. If your visitor can leave your site within the first 4 or 5 clicks - you've lost 'em.


I agree with Debbie that you need links, for traffic, for rich content, and also for link popularity criteria for search engine rankings. I also use a category system for links, and populate it with my own sites in various/several categories. This is also where I put directories, web rings, toplists, under their appropriate category as well as a "vote for us" section and other buried places on the site. I also sneak a few affiliates in there too!


Hope this helps



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Hey there, I'm the owner of DiscountCandleShop.com. We are proud to be an OSC site!


We pay our respect to the project both financially and through source code contributions. I have contributed four modules to OSC in the past (including user_tracking, cross selling, and abandoned cart tracking), but this links module is a special consideration because it is such a hack job. It's functional, but it is not pretty.


The original links script was phpLinks, which I hacked together to work with the "theme" of OSC. It wasn't a pretty hack job either, and phpLinks is not a pretty set of source code either.


If you absolutely want it, I can zip it up for you and send it via email, but it's up to you to do something with it.


Over and out,


Andrew Edmond

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Hey Andrew! I didn't know you were an osc supporter until Mattice sent me to your personal site. I hope I didn't offend you. I was really just trying to find out about the links, like I said to you once I knew it was you that actually created that site and the many other lovely sites related to it. I hope my group of pet sites ends up looking as professional and put together as yours.


I haven't had time to look into it, but I do hope to integrate phpLinks into osc, so if you have any helpful hints I would appreciate them. I also appreciate the time and effort it took to do it yourself.


What version of osc did you end up with on the Candle sites?



(ps: I downloaded the raw datafeed last night finally and will be looking at it tonight. I have a specialty cat stuff store to set up ASAP and scented candes are great for people with more than one cat :) )

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