dac Posted June 2, 2009 Posted June 2, 2009 Hi, I wondered if I may get a little help with my search option that has stopped working. I have added the code below and wondered if you guys could see any problems with it. The search box worked for a long time but I have just made some changes to my site and it seems to search but display nothing on screen. <?php echo tep_draw_form('quick_find', tep_href_link(FILENAME_ADVANCED_SEARCH_RESULT, '', 'NONSSL', false), 'get') . BOX_HEADING_SEARCH . tep_draw_input_field('keywords', '', 'size="10" maxlength="30" class="inputText" style="width: ' . (BOX_WIDTH-5) . 'px"') . ' ' . tep_hide_session_id() . tep_draw_hidden_field('search_in_description' , '1') . '</td> <td valign="bottom">' . tep_image_submit('button_quick_find.gif', BOX_HEADING_SEARCH) . '</form></td>';?>
dac Posted June 2, 2009 Author Posted June 2, 2009 it seems to work but not display any products? has anyone had this problem before, I have searched the forum but can't find any help.
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