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CVV for cc.php Not storing details in database


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I have just installed this contrib and it seems to be working at checkout. When the order appears in Admin, no CVV number, credit card name or expiry date is shown (or stored). The button to delete the CVV number works (even though there are no numbers stored).


I tried this solution from the Contribution page -


+++++register globals off gerard 1 Feb 2007



I had problems with the cvv not being stored in the database, it was because I had a regiter globals off patch.


to get round this find


in includes/classes/order.php you will need to add around line 30 under link_post_variable('ccexpires');






that did the trick for me.


file attached is blank+++++++



:angry: I can't find the code "link_post_variable('ccexpires');" anywhere....


Can anyone offer some help please?

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You are not allowed to collect and store CVV numbers at all.


You not only stand to loose your merchant account, but risk being blacklisted from getting a new merchant account aswell as fines up to 500.000 USD.

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Thanks but that wasn't what I asked. If you could help with the solution that would be really good.


This is a UK business and PCIDSS compliance is voluntary.






PCI Compliance is related to cc info like cc numbers , expiration date, name etc.


Storing CVV is not related to PCI Compliance or country.


Storing CVV is not alowed periode. (Not for any country, whether you are PCI Compliant or not does not mather in regards to CVV ... You are not allowed to store the CVV code at all)

Edited by toyicebear
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