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Access to Admin Denied


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Can anybody tell me if there is a way to reset your Admin log in details? My login details have remained the same for 12 months and in the past week or so I have been denied access to admin as I keep being told there is an error and the error message is

Error: Invalid administrator login attempt
. I have not made any changes to login details and have contacted the hosting company who assure me they have no access to this and to contact osCommerce. I am desparate for help and of course access. What do I need to do?



A very appreciative member still attempting to climb the steep learning curve!

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Can anybody tell me if there is a way to reset your Admin log in details? My login details have remained the same for 12 months and in the past week or so I have been denied access to admin as I keep being told there is an error and the error message is . I have not made any changes to login details and have contacted the hosting company who assure me they have no access to this and to contact osCommerce. I am desparate for help and of course access. What do I need to do?

Sounds like a case for Reset Admin Password

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