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what records are created in database for downloadables?


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I've been tasked with migrating an existing product database to oscommerce. Practically the entire catalog is downloadable e-books. There are a lot of them. I've figured out which records I need to create in the products table, the categories table, and some others, but I'm not sure which records need to be created to allow downloadable products. I have noticed at least two tables that I think will need records:

* products_attributes_download

* products_attributes


The second table appears to be required in order to specify which file is to be downloaded for a given product as the first table has no product_id field. Confusingly, the products_attributes table also has a variety of fields relating to options. Does this mean that I also need to create various options records?


If someone could help me to understand which table records must be created to specify a downloadable product, I would greatly appreciate it.

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