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Some emails do not get sent


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I am having trouble sending sowm emails. If I go to the password forgotten page and fill in my email address no email is sent (despite a tick and message saying the email has been sent). If I send am email from tools->send email from the admin pages it gets sent.


It is installed on Windows Server 2003 + IIS

email transport method smtp


osCommerce version 2.2

I have this problem too! Any solutions.

Make sure your smtp is setup correctly, also look in your servers error log to see if any errors there


The smtp must be set up correctly or it would not send out any emails.

In the logs I get the followinf 501 error:

2009-05-26 15:43:54 User SMTPSVC1 Server 0 MAIL - +FROM:<"Store Owner"+<[email protected]>> 501 0 SMTP

The smtp must be set up correctly or it would not send out any emails.

In the logs I get the followinf 501 error:

2009-05-26 15:43:54 User SMTPSVC1 Server 0 MAIL - +FROM:<"Store Owner"+<[email protected]>> 501 0 SMTP

Looks like you need to add your email to smtp, it needs a valid email address and passowrd i think, long time since i set up smtp on a windows web server


My suggestion...


Have a look at your SMTP settings in php.ini. Also, your config settings to ensure your box can send emails from the email address being specified in osc.


I discovered that if I removed the Store Owner in the admin pages the email was sent. Is there any repercussions of having no Store Owner?


Also, when the password email is sent the first line is "A new password was requested from .". Does nayone know why this is blank?


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