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The e-commerce.

How to call script given specific product open?

Bean Boy

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I've been using OScommerce for many years now and it's been reliable flexible and relatively trouble free.


At the moment I'm trying to execute a given include providing the customer has only chosen a specific product to view. I have quite a few modifications including the SEO urls that mod rewrites the URL.


Within product_info.php I've tried inserting the following line

Line 19: <?php if($HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] = 77 ) {
Line 20: include('/myfilepath/myfile.php');} ?>


Should this code work the way I intend it (I admit I'm no coder)? The idea is to record a landing page impression on the myfile.php so I can track conversions. The problem is that this insertion causes product id 77 product info page to be shown in the e-store nomatter what product or category you select? Come to my store, you can only buy product 77 and that is definitely not what we want.


So, please anyone, advice about how to execute something in product_info given only a specific product is selected.


Many thanks

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Line 19: <?php if($HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] == 77 ) {

Try that.



When testing an equality yoiu need TWO (or three in some cases ) equal signs.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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