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Cant change files


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I have my OSC in the root html file but I have a problem with trying to change files when I alter the files and then click save then when I open the file again it has reverted to the original so it hasnt saved at all.

I have reinstalled the osc to see if any of the files were corrupted but to no avail

I am hosted by INNTERNet who I do not recommend to anybody so I cannot change the files from the front end only through the osc file manager.

Has anybody got any ideas to help??Please


ps my new osc has not been altered from the first install I was just installinhg the extre links and about us.

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Did You check the file permissions.



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Did You check the file permissions.



Thank you Satish for your reply,


Yes i put to 777 so i could write to the file and I also get a pink slip to say that i cant write if i dont change permissions but this has made no difference it just doesnt save and I am not sufficently experienced to know where else to go .

I asked my host provider if it was a problem with them but they want 299€ to investigate I refused to pay so dont use INNTER.net they are a rip off .


I live for today I might die tomorrow

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  • 2 weeks later...

Normally, directories are 755 permissions and files are 644 (except for executable scripts: Perl, bash, etc. with a "shebang" #! line, or a compiled and linked binary. they are 755). Read-only files (such as configuration files) can be set to 444 once you are done modifying or uploading them.


Some hosting services have security software that won't let you run with 777 (or 666) permissions, because this gives write access to the whole "world" (all other users sharing your server). Your directory or file may appear "locked" and you may (or may not) get an error message or code (typically error 500). At the other extreme, other hosting services have strange configurations that run PHP or Apache as a different "group" or even as "world" user, requiring you to have 775 or even 777 permissions on certain directories/executable scripts that osC will write to, and 664 or even 666 permissions for files that osC will write to. Note that 755 and 644 will still do for the majority of directories/executables and regular files -- the extended permissions are only for places that osC needs to upload or write to.


The most common problem with uploading a file, or editing a file on the server, and it seems to revert to "unchanged", is that the file is "read-only" (444 permissions). FTP clients and editors will frequently give no error message (or very strange and misleading ones) with this. The solution is to make the file 644 first, and then change it back to 444 when done.

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