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I am new to oscommerce and I liked the contribution of mindsparx admin, I have donloaded the latest version which i think only works for oscommerce version 3 , but at the moment i have version 2.2 , because when I looked to the install instraction which i quote " Mindsparx Admin version 3.0 for OSCommerce v3.0 Alpha created by Janne.kilpio @ mindsparx.org


Mindsparx_admin was originally created for oscommerce v2.2 RC 2a, and for those who is used to the look of mindsparx_admin, here is one for v3.0 Alpha



The install is easy, just follow the instructions below



in admin/index.php


look for:



change that to:







Upload all new files and you are done


there is a support forum for mindsparx_admin 2.1 here, http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=324354






Need a professional oscommerce template? visit mindsparx.org



so I looked for the: require('templates/default.php'); in admin/index.php BUT I cant find it also for the 2nd step I could n't find the required phrace.


so I searched for old version of mindsparx Admin and found one , whichnisnunder this link : http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/6440 and the date is 22 Dec 2008 .

please advice me if what I am doing is correct or can you tell me where I got it wrong.?


if what I am doing is correct then realy I find it very hard to implement this step wich is the last one which is about "ading your own links "



Adding your own links


All links is moved to the header and if you need to add your own it has to be rewriten, for examle when you install a new module

and it requires a link in for example catalog.php like this (Featured products)


'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_FEATURED, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_F=hange it to this:

<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_FEATURED, 'selected_box=catalog')?>"><?php echo BOX_CATALOG_FEATURED_PRODUCTS ?></a>


Note! 'selected_box=catalog' can be what ever the link requires




And links that´s going in to the configuration drop needs the id that´s going in to the database

for example (Featured products) the database looks like this:



INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_id, configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description,

sort_order, visible) values ('39','Featured', 'Featured Products Display', '339', '1');



note the value "39" that´s what we are looking for, now create your configuration link for Featured products like this:


<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=39&selected_box=configuration')?>"><?php echo BOX_CATALOG_FEATURED_PRODUCTS ?></a>



Now add your links in your admin header and in what ever dropdown you need them in

as you can see it requires that you have basic understanding in doing this or it wont work.






Here is some usefull header links for various contributions:



Order editor:

<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=72&selected_box=configuration')?>"><?php echo BOX_CONFIGURATION_ORDER_EDITOR?></a>



Optional related products

For config dropdown

<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=6125&selected_box=configuration')?>"><?php echo BOX_CATALOG_CATEGORIES_RELATED_PRODUCTS?></a>

For other dropdown

<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_RELATED_PRODUCTS, 'selected_box=catalog')?>"><?php echo BOX_CATALOG_CATEGORIES_RELATED_PRODUCTS ?></a>



Featured products

For config dropdown

<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=39&selected_box=configuration')?>"><?php echo BOX_CATALOG_FEATURED_PRODUCTS ?></a>

For other dropdown

<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_FEATURED, 'selected_box=catalog')?>"><?php echo BOX_CATALOG_FEATURED_PRODUCTS ?></a>



Star product

<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_STAR_PRODUCT, 'selected_box=catalog')?>"> <?php echo STAR_PRODUCT ?> </a>



Products extra categories

<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_CATEGORIES_EXTRA, 'selected_box=tools')?>"><?php echo BOX_CATALOG_CATEGORIES_EXTRA_DESCRIPTION ?></a>



Extra infopages

<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_PAGE_MANAGER, 'selected_box=tools')?>"><?php echo BOX_TOOLS_PAGE_MANAGER ?></a>





I think that´s all

your admin´s been officially pimped! "



please help me with some hints how to implements the above step because is not clear for me how to implement it

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