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contribution help


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Hi people,


Does anyone know if there is a contribution that will allow me to print off an invoice but also allows me to add products, quantities and price manually before i print, the reason i would like this is because i am going to be selling bits wholesale and i would be great if the invoice looked exactly the same as the ones my site does, with logo addy etc.... The only problem is that i would need to be able to edit via admin.



Thanks people

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Order editing is a huge challenge, not yet adequately addressed by any contribution.


But you could just save the display of invoice.php from your browser as a txt file, then edit it to your heart's content. I just tried this, and was disappointed to find that the results from IE6 were hard to work with because it does not retain the column formatting. But Opera 5.12 did a very nice job of padding the columns with spaces so it looks pretty good in a fixed width font such as Courier.

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You might want to try this contrib.




Just place the file in your admin root dir en run it.




That's all, it might fit your needs.



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