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ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 - by FWR Media

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Hi Robert,

Thanks for another great contriubtion. Your instructions are excellent. I've installed it and set it up to use traditional seo URLS. These seem to be working fine when products are accessed from the home page or category pages. I see URLs such as:



However, When I access products via the manufacturers list, extra information is being added to the end of the URL:




I believe this is not desirable as it would lead to duplicate content issues when the site is crawled by search engines.


Is this meant to be happening, or have I got a bug to track down?




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I have installed Version 1.0 [sTABLE] r141 [FULL PACKAGE].


I am running this on an xampp server but get the same on a live site. The code was originally this


$p_details = '<a href="' . tep_href_link('product_info.php?products_id='.$p_id) . '">'.tep_image_button('button_details.gif', '', ' class="btn1"').'</a>';

$p_buy_now = '<a href="'.tep_href_link("products_new.php","action=buy_now&products_id=".$p_id).'">'.tep_image_button('button_add_to_cart1.gif', '', ' class="btn2"').'</a>';



During installation I changed it to this


$p_details = '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO , tep_get_all_get_params(array('products_id')) . 'products_id=' . $p_id) . '">' . tep_image_button('button_details.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_DETAILS) . '</a> ';


$p_buy_now = '<a href="' . tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF), tep_get_all_get_params(array('action', 'products_id')) . 'action=buy_now&products_id=' .$p_id) . '">' . tep_image_button('button_buy_now.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_BUY_NOW) . '</a> ';


With seo urls turned off I get


<tr><td class="button2_padd button2_marg">

<a href="http://localhost/FatCow/product_info.php?products_id=6">'>http://localhost/FatCow/product_info.php?products_id=6">

<img src="includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_details.gif" border="0" alt="Details" title=" Details " width="58" height="19"></a> 

<br />

<a href="http://localhost/FatCow/index.php?action=buy_now&products_id=6">

<img src="includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_buy_now.gif" border="0" alt="Buy Now" title=" Buy Now " width="67" height="19"></a> 



Clicking on both links work, product details are displayed and buy now works.


Turned on, in standard mode it becomes


<tr><td class="button2_padd button2_marg">

<a href="http://localhost/FatCow/product_info.php/chocolate-covered-cremes-p-6">

<img src="includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_details.gif" border="0" alt="Details" title=" Details " width="58" height="19"></a> <br />

<a href="http://localhost/FatCow/index.php?action=buy_now&products_id=6">

<img src="includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_buy_now.gif" border="0" alt="Buy Now" title=" Buy Now " width="67" height="19"></a> </td></tr>


Buy now works but the details link goes to http://localhost/FatCow/index.php, it should go to http://localhost/FatCow/product_info.php?products_id=6


htaccess is


Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} base64_encode.*\(.*\) [OR]

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (\<|%3C).*script.*(\>|%3E) [NC,OR]

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (\<|%3C).*iframe.*(\>|%3E) [NC,OR]

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} GLOBALS(=|\[|\%[0-9A-Z]{0,2}) [OR]

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} _REQUEST(=|\[|\%[0-9A-Z]{0,2})

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index_error.php [F,L]


RewriteRule .* - [F]


php parameter are


arg_separator.input & &

arg_separator.output & &


Anyone got any idea?


And thanks for reading this far.

Edited by FrostyFred
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Anyone got any idea?


And thanks for reading this far.


USU5 is working fine .. looks like some dodgy javascript redirect to index.php. There are posts in this thread about it ( probably Template Monster as usual ).

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I've seen this memory limit problem with sites that have tens of thousands of products, how many products/categories does the shop have?

Products = tens of thousands, cats = thousands. Out of memory in 2 days, but having slow site and other problems after first day.

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Hi Robert,

Add on Links Manager II does not work on my site when FWR Ultimate SEO URL is switched on. I can see the page listing the link categories, but when I click on a category link such as http://mysite.com/links.php?lPath=0_12, I get a "Page not Found" error reported by FWR KISS Error Handling and Debugging


When it is SEO URL is switched off, Links Manager II works fine. I have posted in the LM II support thread and Jack got me to upgrade to the latest version if it, which I have done. However, the problem remains.


Using the Add On FWR KISS Error Handling and debugging, I can see the last query performed from links.php is a complicated one to do with sessions. I would really appreciate some help solving this problem.




Number: 6

Time: 0.0004 Seconds.

Query: update sessions set expiry = '1271976939', value = 'cart|O:12:\"shoppingCart\":5:{s:8:\"contents\";a:0:{}s:5:\"total\";i:0;s:6:\"weight\";i:0;s:6:\"cartID\";N;s:12:\"content_type\";b:0;}language|s:7:\"english\";languages_id|s:1:\"1\";currency|s:3:\"USD\";navigation|O:17:\"navigationHistory\":2:{s:4:\"path\";a:4:{i:0;a:4:{s:4:\"page\";s:16:\"links_submit.php\";s:4:\"mode\";s:6:\"NONSSL\";s:3:\"get\";a:0:{}s:4:\"post\";a:12:{s:6:\"action\";s:7:\"process\";s:11:\"links_title\";s:21:\"Test site: Dog breeds\";s:9:\"links_url\";s:29:\"http://www.justdogbreeds.com/\";s:14:\"links_category\";s:1:\"0\";s:17:\"links_cat_suggest\";s:0:\"\";s:17:\"links_description\";s:14:\"All about dogs\";s:11:\"links_image\";s:44:\"http://www.justdogbreeds.com/images/logo.gif\";s:18:\"links_contact_name\";s:5:\"peter\";s:19:\"links_contact_email\";s:24:\"[email protected]\";s:20:\"links_reciprocal_url\";s:45:\"http://www.anyoldsite.com/useful_info.htm\";s:1:\"x\";s:2:\"53\";s:1:\"y\";s:1:\"8\";}}i:1;a:4:{s:4:\"page\";s:24:\"links_submit_success.php\";s:4:\"mode\";s:6:\"NONSSL\";s:3:\"get\";a:0:{}s:4:\"post\";a:0:{}}i:2;a:4:{s:4:\"page\";s:9:\"index.php\";s:4:\"mode\";s:6:\"NONSSL\";s:3:\"get\";a:0:{}s:4:\"post\";a:0:{}}i:3;a:4:{s:4:\"page\";s:9:\"links.php\";s:4:\"mode\";s:6:\"NONSSL\";s:3:\"get\";a:3:{s:5:\"lPath\";s:4:\"0_12\";s:4:\"page\";s:1:\"1\";s:4:\"sort\";s:2:\"2d\";}s:4:\"post\";a:0:{}}}s:8:\"snapshot\";a:0:{}}' where sesskey = 'dbd1b8bcbd29df4c18cc680144c15df9'

Edited by nubbin
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USU5 is working fine .. looks like some dodgy javascript redirect to index.php. There are posts in this thread about it ( probably Template Monster as usual ).


Thanks, have spent a few hours tracking it down and thought it was at the bottom of header.php


	echo $path_parts['basename'];
	if(strpos($path_parts['basename'], "php") == false)
		print("<script type='text/javascript'>window.location='index.php';</script>");

	if(($path_parts['basename'] != "index.php") && ($path_parts['basename'] != "") && ($path_parts['basename'] != "index.php?language=en") && ($path_parts['basename'] != "index.php?language=de") && ($path_parts['basename'] != "index.php?language=es") && ($path_parts['basename'] != "index.php?currency=EUR") && ($path_parts['basename'] != "index.php?currency=USD") && ($path_parts['basename'] != "index.php?currency=USD&language=en") && ($path_parts['basename'] != "index.php?currency=USD&language=de") && ($path_parts['basename'] != "index.php?currency=USD&language=es") && ($path_parts['basename'] != "index.php?currency=EUR&language=en") && ($path_parts['basename'] != "index.php?currency=EUR&language=de") && ($path_parts['basename'] != "index.php?currency=EUR&language=es"))

		require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'panel_top2.php');


because the url has ........product_info.php/xxx/...... the basename returned is not the filename.


	function selfURL() 
	$s = empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? '' : ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "s" : ""; 
	$protocol = strleft(strtolower($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]), "/").$s; 
	$port = ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == "80") ? "" : (":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]); 
	return $protocol."://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$port.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; 

function strleft($s1, $s2) 
	return substr($s1, 0, strpos($s1, $s2)); 

function getCurrPathName()
	$path_parts = pathinfo($path);

	return $path_parts;


But I can't prove it is this, in fact it still happens when I remove it, so back to the drawing board.


Found this code in column left so removed it from both.



	if(strpos($path_parts['basename'], "php") == false)
		print("<script type='text/javascript'>window.location='index.php';</script>");


Now product info is displayed but what does it do and if it is required how can it be replaced to work with urls ?

Edited by FrostyFred
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USU5 has no problems but header tags SEO cannot handle path based uris. Therefore with rewrite uris selected header tags should have no problems but with standard uris it breaks.


For the record I recommend KissMT over header tags.

Hi Robert,


I installed ULTIMATE_Seo_Urls_5_r141_stable.zip because it seemed like a lot easier than the one I used on other sites. I then installed HeaderTags_SEO_V_3.1.7.zip

Now my right column is beneath the product information when viewing an item on product_info.php. If I set your mod to false in admin-cinfuguration, then my right column goes back up where it belongs.


I do have standard urls on rather than rewrite. Will this make a difference? I am installing on a subdomain and would rather not use rewrite because it may need changing when I move the finished store to a domain.


Is there an sql file to undo database changes if I need to remove this mod?



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Products = tens of thousands, cats = thousands. Out of memory in 2 days, but having slow site and other problems after first day.


Send me a personal message with your email and I'll send you some revised files for huge shops.

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Hi Robert,

Add on Links Manager II does not work on my site when FWR Ultimate SEO URL is switched on. I can see the page listing the link categories, but when I click on a category link such as http://mysite.com/links.php?lPath=0_12, I get a "Page not Found" error reported by FWR KISS Error Handling and Debugging


When it is SEO URL is switched off, Links Manager II works fine. I have posted in the LM II support thread and Jack got me to upgrade to the latest version if it, which I have done. However, the problem remains.


Using the Add On FWR KISS Error Handling and debugging, I can see the last query performed from links.php is a complicated one to do with sessions. I would really appreciate some help solving this problem.




Number: 6

Time: 0.0004 Seconds.

Query: update sessions set expiry = '1271976939', value = 'cart|O:12:\"shoppingCart\":5:{s:8:\"contents\";a:0:{}s:5:\"total\";i:0;s:6:\"weight\";i:0;s:6:\"cartID\";N;s:12:\"content_type\";b:0;}language|s:7:\"english\";languages_id|s:1:\"1\";currency|s:3:\"USD\";navigation|O:17:\"navigationHistory\":2:{s:4:\"path\";a:4:{i:0;a:4:{s:4:\"page\";s:16:\"links_submit.php\";s:4:\"mode\";s:6:\"NONSSL\";s:3:\"get\";a:0:{}s:4:\"post\";a:12:{s:6:\"action\";s:7:\"process\";s:11:\"links_title\";s:21:\"Test site: Dog breeds\";s:9:\"links_url\";s:29:\"http://www.justdogbreeds.com/\";s:14:\"links_category\";s:1:\"0\";s:17:\"links_cat_suggest\";s:0:\"\";s:17:\"links_description\";s:14:\"All about dogs\";s:11:\"links_image\";s:44:\"http://www.justdogbreeds.com/images/logo.gif\";s:18:\"links_contact_name\";s:5:\"peter\";s:19:\"links_contact_email\";s:24:\"[email protected]\";s:20:\"links_reciprocal_url\";s:45:\"http://www.anyoldsite.com/useful_info.htm\";s:1:\"x\";s:2:\"53\";s:1:\"y\";s:1:\"8\";}}i:1;a:4:{s:4:\"page\";s:24:\"links_submit_success.php\";s:4:\"mode\";s:6:\"NONSSL\";s:3:\"get\";a:0:{}s:4:\"post\";a:0:{}}i:2;a:4:{s:4:\"page\";s:9:\"index.php\";s:4:\"mode\";s:6:\"NONSSL\";s:3:\"get\";a:0:{}s:4:\"post\";a:0:{}}i:3;a:4:{s:4:\"page\";s:9:\"links.php\";s:4:\"mode\";s:6:\"NONSSL\";s:3:\"get\";a:3:{s:5:\"lPath\";s:4:\"0_12\";s:4:\"page\";s:1:\"1\";s:4:\"sort\";s:2:\"2d\";}s:4:\"post\";a:0:{}}}s:8:\"snapshot\";a:0:{}}' where sesskey = 'dbd1b8bcbd29df4c18cc680144c15df9'


That query is a mix of a query and serialized data, not a clue what caused that.


Re: Links if you want underscores to work ( lPath=0_12 ) you have to open the file: -






private $suppress_underscores = true;


Change it to false.


Underscores are suppressed as standard as these types of path based menu systems are pure duplicate content.

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Hi Robert,


I installed ULTIMATE_Seo_Urls_5_r141_stable.zip because it seemed like a lot easier than the one I used on other sites. I then installed HeaderTags_SEO_V_3.1.7.zip

Now my right column is beneath the product information when viewing an item on product_info.php. If I set your mod to false in admin-cinfuguration, then my right column goes back up where it belongs.


I do have standard urls on rather than rewrite. Will this make a difference? I am installing on a subdomain and would rather not use rewrite because it may need changing when I move the finished store to a domain.


Is there an sql file to undo database changes if I need to remove this mod?




Header tags can not handle path based uris due to the way it is coded. If you would like dynamic meta tags I would suggest you change to KissMT.

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Found this code in column left so removed it from both.



	if(strpos($path_parts['basename'], "php") == false)
		print("<script type='text/javascript'>window.location='index.php';</script>");


Now product info is displayed but what does it do and if it is required how can it be replaced to work with urls ?


This code is a really stupid attempt to cause www.mysite.com/ to redirect to www.mysite.com/index.php this is best achieved via code in .htaccess and done the other way around.

Edited by FWR Media
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nice contrib and works out of the box in standard mode :)


i gave up with rewrite...404 and no clue..all done like explained :-/


the standard mode is what i need except the loaded php file should be altered to a dash (-) and the p-/c-part becomes an extra "dir"


so it would look like








any ideas & thx in advance

Edited by smurfi_wsz
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when i installed this plugin, in my local host it is working fine, but my problem is when i installer it to my main server, below is the output




so instead of




i have done the necessary instructions that you told. got an htaccess for rewrite mod

cpath to product url is false, so it should be working well


hope you can help me with this

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nice contrib and works out of the box in standard mode :)


i gave up with rewrite...404 and no clue..all done like explained :-/


the standard mode is what i need except the loaded php file should be altered to a dash (-) and the p-/c-part becomes an extra "dir"


so it would look like








any ideas & thx in advance


You can't do this, standard mode must be a filename ( or osCommerce wouldn't know which file to load )


The alternative is to use rewrite mode e.g.




If rewrite mode is not working then either you have set RewriteBase incorrectly in .htaccess or your server is not setup correctly with mod_rewrite and required AllowOverride settings.

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when i installed this plugin, in my local host it is working fine, but my problem is when i installer it to my main server, below is the output




so instead of




i have done the necessary instructions that you told. got an htaccess for rewrite mod

cpath to product url is false, so it should be working well


hope you can help me with this


This issue ( ?osCsid=erua8nicaslus8ap9g74pvklt7 ) is nothing to do with USU5, if you persistently have this appended to your urls then your includes/configure.php file is incorrect.

Edited by FWR Media
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Hi, Robert


I am having a problem with this conribution.


Most of the URLS are produced 2 times and even more. Here is the example below (copied by turning the debug reporting = rue)



























These are categories that have been produced more than once and most of the product's urls are also produced twice and some are even more times.

The resuls for that is I just noticed that google have penalised me and removed half of my links from their search engine. Please help asap.


Thank you

Edited by sahilsaid
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Hi, Robert


I am having a problem with this conribution.


These are categories that have been produced more than once and most of the product's urls are also produced twice and some are even more times.

The resuls for that is I just noticed that google have penalised me and removed half of my links from their search engine. Please help asap.


Thank you


USU5 will do absolutely nothing that will get your links removed from the search engines .. so that is just rubbish.


If debug output is showing the generation of a link more than once then that particular page is asking tep_href_link() to produce that url more than once.

Edited by FWR Media
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Again thanks for everything you do for the osCommerce community. Have you had a chance to review my post in regards to duplicate links? Today's status from Google is 189 duplicate titles, all of which are replica examples as in my post. That is, one link with the manufacturer's name included and one without it. I hope to hear something soon because we can't take the penalty much longer. If all else fails I think I'm going to revert to the original revision of USU5.


Here is a link to my post:



Thanks for all of your help!


- Ryan

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USU5 will do absolutely nothing that will get your links removed from the search engines .. so that is just rubbish.


If debug output is showing the generation of a link more than once then that particular page is asking tep_href_link() to produce that url more than once.


Hi robert,

I am not saying the urls were removed due to Ultimate seo urls contribution because this is the contribution thats has got my webiste up in the ranking but today I just noticed that the google has given a warning upon reviewing I found this duplicated tags.


Do you think that it would affect the search engine ranking if the URLS are duplicated?


If the products URL is duplicated than should I check for the repeated tep_href_link() function in produt_info or is it another file?, Really appreciate your help.


Thanks for your help.

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Header tags can not handle path based uris due to the way it is coded. If you would like dynamic meta tags I would suggest you change to KissMT.

Thank you for your time Robert. Looks like you were busy on here today.

I spent a good bit of time removing, adding, removing and starting over. Finally got it sorted.



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Again thanks for everything you do for the osCommerce community. Have you had a chance to review my post in regards to duplicate links? Today's status from Google is 189 duplicate titles, all of which are replica examples as in my post. That is, one link with the manufacturer's name included and one without it. I hope to hear something soon because we can't take the penalty much longer. If all else fails I think I'm going to revert to the original revision of USU5.


Here is a link to my post:



Thanks for all of your help!


- Ryan


Ryan USU5 is a url contribution it has nothing whatsoever to do with titles, duplicate or otherwise.

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Hi robert,

I am not saying the urls were removed due to Ultimate seo urls contribution because this is the contribution thats has got my webiste up in the ranking but today I just noticed that the google has given a warning upon reviewing I found this duplicated tags.


Do you think that it would affect the search engine ranking if the URLS are duplicated?


If the products URL is duplicated than should I check for the repeated tep_href_link() function in produt_info or is it another file?, Really appreciate your help.


Thanks for your help.


Duplicate tags is a meta issue and not related to urls or url contributions .. have you tried installing KissMT to handle your meta and canonical issues?

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Duplicate tags is a meta issue and not related to urls or url contributions .. have you tried installing KissMT to handle your meta and canonical issues?



I downloaded the KISSMT contribution and I was about to install it for testing purpose but as I am using STS the installation should be different. So is there any additional instllation instruction fro STS users to install KISSMT.


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I downloaded the KISSMT contribution and I was about to install it for testing purpose but as I am using STS the installation should be different. So is there any additional instllation instruction fro STS users to install KISSMT.



No as I don't and have no intention of using STS. However, read back in the KissMT support topic .. someone posted clear instructions.

Edited by FWR Media
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