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ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 - by FWR Media

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You asked this in the old series 2 support thread, you are not using USU5!


I upgraded to the newer version and am still have the same issue... No one seems to be willing

or interested to help me figure this out..


Just trying to get a resolve hence the reason I'm in the support forums...

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I upgraded to the newer version and am still have the same issue... No one seems to be willing

or interested to help me figure this out..


Just trying to get a resolve hence the reason I'm in the support forums...


You are not using USU5 Oggster .. that cannot happen with USU5.

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I had to try with a totaly new install because of add-on conflicts. STS4.5.9 than USU5 and more pic 1.4.3 installed successfully but I have problem with the image urls like this zoom below because of the nice urls. Could you help me how could solve this? (.htaccess is activated)







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I had to try with a totaly new install because of add-on conflicts. STS4.5.9 than USU5 and more pic 1.4.3 installed successfully but I have problem with the image urls like this zoom below because of the nice urls. Could you help me how could solve this? (.htaccess is activated)








Hi Spuri


I really can't support all of the other contributions out there, there is no reason for any contribution to conflict with USU5 so long as they are using the correct tep_href_link() function as all this contribution does is create urls.


In a standard install the popup image uri is produced like ..




How more pic 1.4.3 produces its links I haven't a clue as I've not seen the code.


If I saw the site it may give me a clue as to why your images aren't working.

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sorry i don't want you to support other contributions, jus hoped you have an idea where should i look for the solution



my site (it is for testing, this is not a live site)



popup_image.php is loading but it seems that STS is not rendering it correctly, perhaps you missed out some STS code related to popup_image.php, other than that I haven't a clue but USU5 is correctly producing the url.

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Check your files for the use of urlencode() as this would convert & to %26amp%3B


Hi again,


funny as hell but I lost too much time over it. I searched the complete webroot for urlencode(), but didn't find anything which comes even close to the procedure for the URL stuff.

So, even if the semicolon is url encoded it doesn't happen in any file. Does this make any sense? I presume not... but I still don't know why it could happen in the first place. Don't want to get to much into off-topic, but I'm curious if this has anything to with server configs.


Back to topic:

To fix it in this special case, I urlDEcode the "$seo_urls->href_link()" and remove the still remaining "amp;" before it's returned by the tep_href_link() function.

It seems to do the trick and I do not even know if it's useful to anyone else.


That's that.

Keep up the good work, FWR Media!

USU5 is just more fun if it's working 100%! ;)



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Hi again,


funny as hell but I lost too much time over it. I searched the complete webroot for urlencode(), but didn't find anything which comes even close to the procedure for the URL stuff.

So, even if the semicolon is url encoded it doesn't happen in any file. Does this make any sense? I presume not... but I still don't know why it could happen in the first place. Don't want to get to much into off-topic, but I'm curious if this has anything to with server configs.


Back to topic:

To fix it in this special case, I urlDEcode the "$seo_urls->href_link()" and remove the still remaining "amp;" before it's returned by the tep_href_link() function.

It seems to do the trick and I do not even know if it's useful to anyone else.


That's that.

Keep up the good work, FWR Media!

USU5 is just more fun if it's working 100%! ;)




LOL it's dirty work but someone has to do it :)


I do not even know if it's useful to anyone else.


No it is useful, even if USU5 works perfectly it has to make allowances for external code inputting bad data.


Did you manage to ascertain what was being passed into the tep_href_link() function as $parameters when this occured? it would be really useful to know.


What I am wondering is if the following would have corrected it ..




Find ..


  function tep_href_link($page = '', $parameters = '', $connection = 'NONSSL', $add_session_id = true, $search_engine_safe = true) {
   global $seo_urls, $languages_id, $request_type, $session_started, $sid;


Replace with ..


  function tep_href_link($page = '', $parameters = '', $connection = 'NONSSL', $add_session_id = true, $search_engine_safe = true) {
   global $seo_urls, $languages_id, $request_type, $session_started, $sid;
     // Some sites have hardcoded &
   $parameters = str_replace( '&', '&', urldecode( $parameters ) );

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FWR Media--> I installed a clean version of my shop.. I installed your USU5... Everything is working for the urls now that I got away from the older version... Now the only issue I am having is.. When runing a search on the website I get these returns..


Warning: Usu_Manufacturers Incorrect manufacturers_id presented: in /hermes/bosweb/web170/b1702/glo.oggjay/includes/modules/ultimate_seo_urls5/modules/Usu_Manufacturers.php on line 124


The SERP page list all the products but also adds this up top... As for Manufactures, I only have one.. And will always only have one.. If that makes a differce in the fix... Thanks.




Other than that everything is working so much better... Droping the old seo url version has correct some many issues I was having...

Thank You...

Edited by Oggster
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FWR Media--> I installed a clean version of my shop.. I installed your USU5... Everything is working for the urls now that I got away from the older version... Now the only issue I am having is.. When runing a search on the website I get these returns..




The SERP page list all the products but also adds this up top... As for Manufactures, I only have one.. And will always only have one.. If that makes a differce in the fix... Thanks.




Other than that everything is working so much better... Droping the old seo url version has correct some many issues I was having...

Thank You...


Hi Oggster


Yes I had noticed this before and it is corrected in the upcoming version 1.1


open catalog/includes/modules/ultimate_seo_urls5/modules/Usu_Manufacturers.php


Find ..


   public function buildLink( $page, $valuepair, &$url, &$added_qs, $parameters ) {
    if ( ( $valuepair[0] != self::DEPENDENCY ) || ( false === array_key_exists( 1, $valuepair ) ) || ( false === $this->installed ) ) {
      return false; // Either this module is not installed or the value pair does not meet our requirements so abort


Change to ...


   public function buildLink( $page, $valuepair, &$url, &$added_qs, $parameters ) {
    if ( ( $valuepair[0] != self::DEPENDENCY ) || ( false === array_key_exists( 1, $valuepair ) )
                                               || ( false === $this->installed )
                                               || !tep_not_null( $valuepair[1] ) ) {
      return false; // Either this module is not installed or the value pair does not meet our requirements so abort

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I spent my last two nights with multi picture addons, without success. Do you use any kind of "more pic" contribution which works fine together with USU5?


I'll try to have a look at more pics today see if I can find out why it is not working.

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I spent my last two nights with multi picture addons, without success. Do you use any kind of "more pic" contribution which works fine together with USU5?


Just installer more pics 1.4.3 (auto installer version for speed) over a fresh copy of RC2a .. tested working.


Then installed USU5 .. tested working.


It all worked fine.

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If you installed the PHP_SELF patch please remove the following: -




       if ( substr( $page, -4, 4 ) != '.php' ) {
         trigger_error( 'Incorrect page entered into function ' . __FUNCTION__ . ' as <b>' . $page . '</b>,<br />
         this is caused by contributions incorrectly using $_SERVER[\'PHP_SELF\'] or basename( $PHP_SELF )
         <br />A correct page would be like index.php or product_info.php.<br />', E_USER_WARNING );




This will trigger an error when relative paths are used instead of filenames .. e.g.


tep_href_link(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'myimage.gif');


Spuri this could have affected more pics.

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Hello FWR Media!


I´ve using this contibution for a while and I am very satisfied, but It seems to be a little bug with the "add product" button, it doesnt work (It doesnt add the product to th basket) for some products.


I´ve cheked many products and I think it happens just with products with especial caracters in the name (such á or ñ) and attributes at the same time.


Here you have an example that doesnt work (especial character in the url ñ and attributes):




Here you have an example that works (without epecial characters same shop):




Can I change the url of the fist product to avod this error? (to check i the problem is relted with the especial characters)


I've tryed the replace option shown in the admin panel but it doesnt work for me.


I hope it is the rigth forum to post this issue.


Thanks for this amazing contibution.



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Hello FWR Media!


I´ve using this contibution for a while and I am very satisfied, but It seems to be a little bug with the "add product" button, it doesnt work (It doesnt add the product to th basket) for some products.


I´ve cheked many products and I think it happens just with products with especial caracters in the name (such á or ñ) and attributes at the same time.


Here you have an example that doesnt work (especial character in the url ñ and attributes):




Here you have an example that works (without epecial characters same shop):




Can I change the url of the fist product to avod this error? (to check i the problem is relted with the especial characters)


I've tryed the replace option shown in the admin panel but it doesnt work for me.


I hope it is the rigth forum to post this issue.


Thanks for this amazing contibution.




Hi Pepe


Yes that won't work simply because you cannot have special characters in the uri text or in any url.


You need to create a character_conversion file in



There were examples in the package you downloaded in extras/character_conversion_pack/


This will convert those special characters to latin characters.


this is a French example: -

  $char_convert = array('à' => 'a',  'â' => 'a', 'æ' => 'ae', 'ç' => 'c',
                       'é' => 'e',  'è' => 'e', 'ê' => 'e',  'ë' => 'e',
                       'î' => 'i',  'ï' => 'i', 'œ' => 'oe', 'ô' => 'o',
                       'ù' => 'u',  'û' => 'u', 'À' => 'A',  'Â' => 'A',
                       'Æ' => 'AE', 'Ç' => 'C', 'È' => 'E',  'É' => 'E',
                       'Ê' => 'E',  'Ë' => 'E', 'Î' => 'I',  'Ï' => 'I',
                       'Œ' => 'OE', 'Ô' => 'O', 'Ù' => 'U',  'Û' => 'U',
                       '€' => 'Euros');

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Finally I installed more_pic 2.0.6 than STS459 and USU5. This works mostly, unfortunatelly in some popup i get image displayed but some not :(


I don't have that code in usu.php


popup_image.php is loading but it seems that STS is not rendering it correctly, perhaps you missed out some STS code related to popup_image.php, other than that I haven't a clue but USU5 is correctly producing the url.

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Finally I installed more_pic 2.0.6 than STS459 and USU5. This works mostly, unfortunatelly in some popup i get image displayed but some not :(


I don't have that code in usu.php


Did you try it with just more pic and STS? are you sure it is USU5 that is causing the breakage? You can turn USU5 off in admin.


As I said I installed more pics myself this morning and all worked fine so it doesn't seem to be a problem related to USU5.

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Yes, with this file (ñ => n) you can buy all products, but, as you know the url is not rigth 100% for seo (ESPANA is not ESPAÑA and also montana is not montaña).


For spanish people using this file is a big problem :(


I like USU5 because without this conversion file the shop is working for almost every product, as I see the problem is not just with the especial character but the atributes integration with the products that have those especial characters.


I dont know if there is any code alternative for this issue.


Please, any hint to solve this issue would be very appreciated.


Thanks in advance,



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Yes, with this file (ñ => n) you can buy all products, but, as you know the url is not rigth 100% for seo (ESPANA is not ESPAÑA and also montana is not montaña).


For spanish people using this file is a big problem :(


I like USU5 because without this conversion file the shop is working for almost every product, as I see the problem is not just with the especial character but the atributes integration with the products that have those especial characters.


I dont know if there is any code alternative for this issue.


Please, any hint to solve this issue would be very appreciated.


Thanks in advance,




It is a problem of the web not of USU5 Pepe if non ASCII characters are used in urls then you can expect these urls not to work.


If you click the link to the following search in google.es, then hover over the links you will see that the vast majority are written espana.



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Hi Oggster


Yes I had noticed this before and it is corrected in the upcoming version 1.1


open catalog/includes/modules/ultimate_seo_urls5/modules/Usu_Manufacturers.php


Find ..


   public function buildLink( $page, $valuepair, &$url, &$added_qs, $parameters ) {
    if ( ( $valuepair[0] != self::DEPENDENCY ) || ( false === array_key_exists( 1, $valuepair ) ) || ( false === $this->installed ) ) {
      return false; // Either this module is not installed or the value pair does not meet our requirements so abort


Change to ...


   public function buildLink( $page, $valuepair, &$url, &$added_qs, $parameters ) {
    if ( ( $valuepair[0] != self::DEPENDENCY ) || ( false === array_key_exists( 1, $valuepair ) )
                                               || ( false === $this->installed )
                                               || !tep_not_null( $valuepair[1] ) ) {
      return false; // Either this module is not installed or the value pair does not meet our requirements so abort



Thank you... Works like a charm....

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Hi Oggster


Yes I had noticed this before and it is corrected in the upcoming version 1.1


open catalog/includes/modules/ultimate_seo_urls5/modules/Usu_Manufacturers.php


Find ..


   public function buildLink( $page, $valuepair, &$url, &$added_qs, $parameters ) {
    if ( ( $valuepair[0] != self::DEPENDENCY ) || ( false === array_key_exists( 1, $valuepair ) ) || ( false === $this->installed ) ) {
      return false; // Either this module is not installed or the value pair does not meet our requirements so abort


Change to ...


   public function buildLink( $page, $valuepair, &$url, &$added_qs, $parameters ) {
    if ( ( $valuepair[0] != self::DEPENDENCY ) || ( false === array_key_exists( 1, $valuepair ) )
                                               || ( false === $this->installed )
                                               || !tep_not_null( $valuepair[1] ) ) {
      return false; // Either this module is not installed or the value pair does not meet our requirements so abort



Ok made the change and the search works fine... Now I am experiancing an issue... Not sure if related..

When going thru the check out process.. You add item to cart then click checkout.. You get to the first step of the process "Delivery Information"

When you click contine there.. The page just loops.. Ever heard of this... Need to get it fixed fast...


Thanks for all you help...

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Ok made the change and the search works fine... Now I am experiancing an issue... Not sure if related..

When going thru the check out process.. You add item to cart then click checkout.. You get to the first step of the process "Delivery Information"

When you click contine there.. The page just loops.. Ever heard of this... Need to get it fixed fast...


Thanks for all you help...


No nothing to do with USU5 the checkout process does not use seo links.

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