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ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 - by FWR Media

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you would need to modify



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Firstly Hats off to you for such a nice contribution.


I am using this module for my site running on IIS server. I want to use url rewrite but doesn't know how to use rewrite. I have contacted my web host administrator and got the info that IIS rewrite is available and I should use that.


Please let me know if you have a set of IIS rewrite rules or otherwise the best option for me.


Thanks in advance.




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Can someone help me with this? Is there code for showing one or more language for one domain when multilanguage support in on.

Like domain .de will only show language german or german and english. I have tried different htaccess redirects but no luck.

There is this contribution http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7377 , but it only work when multilanguage support is off.

This is no good because I would need to show two languages for some domains. For SEO purpose I dont want to show all

languages to all domains because of duplicate content. Some domains has same ip.


Best Regards,


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This seems to be a conflict of concepts.


Prior to USU5 multi language, in order to have multiple languages you would have needed to set up a different shop and domain for each language.


The whole idea of USU5 multi language is that you can have one domain and one shop yet offer pages in multiple languages with each page having a language specific uri.

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Same error message....


Fatal error: Call to a member function retrieveDependencies() on a non-object in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\xxxxxxxx.com\httpdocs\store\includes\modules\ultimate_seo_urls5\uri_modules\osc_experimental.php on line 51



17 months later and I still havnt managed to find a solution to this problem.


Any chance you could give it another try Robert.




- EDIT -


Its just on a different domain

Edited by mongoled
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17 months later and I still havnt managed to find a solution to this problem.


Any chance you could give it another try Robert.




- EDIT -


Its just on a different domain


On the line above the error print the contents of ( Usu_Main::i()->getVar( 'filename' ) )

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On the line above the error print the contents of ( Usu_Main::i()->getVar( 'filename' ) )



thanks for your response Robert.


The contents of ( Usu_Main::i()->getVar( 'filename' ) ) is




I used the following code


echo ( Usu_Main::i()->getVar( 'filename' ) ) ;


and result of


if ( array_key_exists( 'fwrtest', $_GET ) ) {
 die( $PHP_SELF . ' contained: ( ' . $PHP_SELF . ' )' );


added in application_top.php above


 * ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 PRO by FWR Media
 Usu_Main::i()->setVar( 'languages_id', $languages_id )
		    ->setVar( 'request_type', $request_type )
		    ->setVar( 'session_started', $session_started )
		    ->setVar( 'sid', $SID )
		    ->setVar( 'language', $language )
		    ->setVar( 'filename', $PHP_SELF )
		    ->initiate( ( isset( $lng ) && ( $lng instanceof language ) ) ? $lng : array(), $languages_id, $language );


appended with ?fwrtest is


Index.php contained: ( Index.php )

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Index.php contained: ( Index.php )


I in Index is uppercase which is incorrect.

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Probably includes/filenames.php


define('FILENAME_DEFAULT', 'index.php');

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Or if you want to hack it you can change to the following in application_top.php to make up for the bad codeing of the site: -


->setVar( 'filename', strtolower( $PHP_SELF ) )

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Or if you want to hack it you can change to the following in application_top.php to make up for the bad codeing of the site: -


->setVar( 'filename', strtolower( $PHP_SELF ) )


Will give this a go, thanks!


- EDIT -


Great, thats all that was required on this Windows 2008 install.



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Hi Robert,


thank you very much for all your contributions and your support.


I am not sure if my question is related to your contribution to tell the truth. I have uploaded my new web from localhost today and I can browse the store all right, I can see the right url, but when I for example open a product detail and then look at who is online in admin, it shows that I am on "live.css" And in supertracker I have: Last Page Viewed: /notfound_404.php

I have many live.css and also /ext/jquery/ui/controller.js rows in my who is online.


Would you know what is happening and how big problem it is?

Thank you

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Hi, I have installed this onto V2.3 and on the products in the homepage its not linking to the product page and just keeps taking me back to the home page. when i turn of the seo in admin it works how it should.


any ideas on ho i can fix this?



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Hi, I have installed this onto V2.3 and on the products in the homepage its not linking to the product page and just keeps taking me back to the home page. when i turn of the seo in admin it works how it should.


any ideas on ho i can fix this?




Firstly, please read the instructions.


Depending on what setting you have in admin.


1) If it is still on path standard then probably you need to add AcceptPathInfo On to .htaccess

2) If it is set as rewrite then you need to add the .htaccess code as per the instructions.

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Hello, I wanted to know if this contribution is compatible with OSC 2.3.3?

Someone already tested it on this version?




Yes it works on 2.3.3

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Just set up the char conv for Bosnia H




* @[member='author'] Geoffrey Walton, The UK Waltons, http://www.theukwaltons.co.uk
* @lastdev $Author:: Geoffrey											  $:  Author of last commit
* @Id $Id:: bosanski.php 187 2010-12-01 11:12:10Z Geoffrey			   $:  Full Details  

// Bosnian Conversions for CAPITALS and regular blocks
 $char_convert = array('Č' => 'C', 'č' => 'c',
  'Ć' => 'C', 'ć' => 'c',
  'Š' => 's', 'š' => 's', 
  'Đ' => 'Dj', 'đ' => 'dj',
  'Ž' => 'Z', 'ž' => 'z');







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Yes USU5 PRO is compatible with osC 2.3.3 and with PHP to current versions ( 5.4.6 atm )


Some of the install instructions for minor file changes may be hard to find but they are not strictly necessary, all you need to do is: -


Upload the new files.


Then apply the following stages of the install..


4) catalog/includes/functions/html_output.php


5) catalog/includes/application_top.php


7) catalog/ADMIN/categories.php


8) catalog/ADMIN/includes/functions/general.php


Then read documentation/install_files/install_complete.htm and add the relevant changes to .htaccess if you intend to use the rewrite method.

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Hello, how are U?

One question:

I'm looking at the first part of the installation: "OsCommerce Installation to version 2.3"

And in the last part it says:

Now upload the files in additional_uploads/version2.3 /

That is the file: additional_uploads \ version2.3 \ catalog \ includes \ modules \ boxes \ bm_languages.php

This file already exists in version 2.3.3, so I guess I should it say that there would have to replace or modify the file with that comes with the contribution or not ?

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