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Some visa credit cards are not working


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We have issues with some newer visa cards not working, they dont even get to the proccessing screen when they enter their card number, ect... they just get bounced back to the screen where they can enter their credit cards.


I have searched on this, but have not found anything, but have heard of other OScommerce peoples having the same issue.




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We have issues with some newer visa cards not working, they dont even get to the proccessing screen when they enter their card number, ect... they just get bounced back to the screen where they can enter their credit cards.


I have searched on this, but have not found anything, but have heard of other OScommerce peoples having the same issue.




Its not just osc ive had that problem with loads of stores in the US with my visa card they did not recognise the numbers as being valid, its more than likely the payment merchant not the payment module

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Its not just osc ive had that problem with loads of stores in the US with my visa card they did not recognise the numbers as being valid, its more than likely the payment merchant not the payment module


Its not even hitting the payment merchant. I think it is failing the initial CC validation scripts in OSC, because it doesnt give them "transaction denied" etc... But bumps them back to payment screen... And we can run the card manually through the same Merchant and all is fine...


I'll see if I can get more information, CC numbers, etc....



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  • 1 month later...

I saw this in the codes, but don't know how to fix to allow more visa or master card number to get thru. I am sure that we just need to updat these codes.


In cc_validation.php we have the following lines:




function validate($number, $expiry_m, $expiry_y, $cvv, $cr_card_type) {

$this->cc_number = ereg_replace('[^0-9]', '', $number);


if (ereg('^4[0-9]{12}([0-9]{3})?$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'Visa';


elseif (ereg('^5[0-9][0-9]{14}$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'Mastercard';






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The card companies are changing their algrothams so if its a new card it could be their card issuer are alittle bit a head of the main.

I dont help with templates (thats what the seller is for)


th search function will often help, when it dont try this in google.


site:http://www.oscommerce.com/forums then your search word

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