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htmlincludes - payment config problem


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I'm getting an error post installation of a payment gateway module (Pay Pal's Web Site Payments Pro).


I know this is a simple fix, but I've spent days trying to find the right file to correct.....any help is greatly appreciated.


Here is the error message output to the browser:


Warning: pre_confirmation_check(/var/www/htmlincludes/classes/cc_validation.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/includes/modules/payment/paypal_wpp.php on line 196


I know the correct path is ../html/includes/... and NOT "htmlincludes", but I can't find out where to change that. I initially thought configure.php contained the path, but I'm not convinced it is there.


Any help is greatly appreciated.



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I'm getting an error post installation of a payment gateway module (Pay Pal's Web Site Payments Pro).


I know this is a simple fix, but I've spent days trying to find the right file to correct.....any help is greatly appreciated.


Here is the error message output to the browser:


Warning: pre_confirmation_check(/var/www/htmlincludes/classes/cc_validation.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/includes/modules/payment/paypal_wpp.php on line 196


I know the correct path is ../html/includes/... and NOT "htmlincludes", but I can't find out where to change that. I initially thought configure.php contained the path, but I'm not convinced it is there.


Any help is greatly appreciated.




Paste line 196 here of that file /var/www/html/includes/modules/payment/paypal_wpp.php on line 196


we might be able to amend path if its an include or require

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Paste line 196 here of that file /var/www/html/includes/modules/payment/paypal_wpp.php on line 196


we might be able to amend path if its an include or require


Steve, thanks. I was able to resolve the problem by adding the '/' . to the front of the path required and it resolved that problem....now I have the same issue at the Confirm Order step with wpp_xml. Same path issue, but not indication of where the include is coming from. Am combing checkout_confirmation.php now.


Error is: "PayPal WPP installation incomplete! There should be XML files located in /var/www/htmlincludes/wpp_xml/ ! (doDirectPayment.xml)"

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  • 3 weeks later...

RESOLVED: Thanks to Brian Burton - http://dynamoeffects.com - for the help.

Here is how I fixed it --

changed this:




to this:



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