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Fatal errors after php5 upgrade


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After my webhost upgraded to php5, I keep getting fatal error messages.

Now I can't even login to admin. Need help please.

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After my webhost upgraded to php5, I keep getting fatal error messages.

Now I can't even login to admin. Need help please.


Mary there is not enough info to help .. but the assumption is that your shop is running on an old version of osCommerce and needs to be upgraded.


Given the problems you are facing the path would seem to me to upgrade through ..


MS2 060817





At which point you would be up to date for PHP5 / MySQL5 and all security fixes.


The next step would be whatever contributions you have installed and ensuring those are compatible.

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The simplest problem (and solution) is that your host has turned off register global variables by default. Older versions of osC require register globals to be on. Somewhere around RC1 (or maybe RC2) osC was updated to not require register global variables. Find out from you host if PHP register globals are now off, and if so, how to turn them back on (usually an entry in the php.ini file, or the equivalent). If they won't let you turn them back on (they're a security exposure), upgrade to osC 2.2 RC2a.

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