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Hi everybody,


First sorry If I didn't post in the good place


I developed a contrib which display a random selection of 4 products, in define range of price, at the bottom of shopping_cart.php.


Like this, customer navigate, create its basket and before ordering he can add some cheap product to his basket.


I would like to track these additions, so allowing me to see if this contrib is useful or not.

1 °-how many customer add product by this way to there basket

2 °-how many finalize order, have product added by this way.


1 °) on the button of addition in the basket,

add = ' < has href = ' ". Tep_href_link (basename (PHP_SELF), tep_get_all_get_params (array ('action'('share'))). ' Action=buy_now*products_id = '. Cross [' products_id ']). ' " > '. Tep_image_button (' button_add.gif ', IMAGE_BUTTON_BUY_NOW). ' < / has > *nbsp ';

I'm using the action "buy_now" so I thought to create a new action "buy_now_2", identical in "buy_now" but which add to a new table "product_beforepay" an entrance including id of the product, basket_id

A file of stat which looks for in this table "product_beforepay", which looks for quite the entered to sort out by date / product...

That go!! That gets more complicated for the second part.


2 °) but to cross this with finalize order it will be more difficult:

This contrib is use also before to log, so I cannot use customer_id, or customer basket.

So I really don't know.


Thank you


P.S.: Sorry for my english, I'm french, and my english are very poor.

Edited by gotcha5832
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