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[Contribution] Quantity Discounts by That Software Guy


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Please could someone help with a problem I have: the discount is not shown in emails sent to the customer or the store owner. Also the discount is missing in the invoice you see in the OSC admin panel.

Edit: I am with osc v.2.2-MS2

Just tested on v.2.3 and there work fine :huh:

Edited by spear
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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi, I am using 2.3.1 I have installed the files twice and it's still not in the order totals module in admin. Is there something I missed? I installed Quantity Discounts Module for osCommerce 2.2

Version 1.0


Oops, I didn't see the Install Module button. I'll try that now.

Edited by geokar1100

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The discounts work exactly like I want. Thanks for a great add-on. However, I use PayPal express with 2.3.1. I have read and re-read your article at http://www.thatsoftwareguy.com/osc_quantity_discounts.html under Payment Modules in osCommerce 2.2 and I can't figure it out. The discount is not showing up for me in PayPal Express.

Is there a way to get the discounts to show up for me in 2.3.1?

Repetition is the key to success; Practice, Practice, Practice.

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Is there a way to get the discounts to show up [for Paypal Express] in 2.3.1?


I haven't done it enough times to write up a bulletproof procedure for the PP changes required to do this. If you want to hire me to do this for you, send me an email.

Contributions: Better Together and Quantity Discounts for osCommerce 2.3.x and Phoenix. See my profile for more details.

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Hi i have set up shop, need to shift some quantities in one of my categories.. is there any code to enable me in one of my categories to offer my customer say,

every different item in that category is valued $2.50. buy 3 for $5, buy 8 for $10 etc?


any of you help or expertise would be greatly appreciated,

best regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Good contributions, but I'm having problems here with Taxes.

(Sorry for my bad english from France) B)

My store is in France and need to show Taxes.


My store is calculating the tax on the initial subtotal of the order, if i check in the module " include tax "yes", recalculate "none".Normal

But if a check recalculate "standard", then the post-discount subtotal is wrong and the Taxe with.

(This is wrong in checkout_confirmation.php but right in shopping_cart.php and the boxes !!! <_< )


How to get the good and same total as in the cart ? and get the good tax, calculated on the price after reduction.

Did anyone get a solution?

Thank you

Edited by osh
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  • 2 weeks later...

My Quantity Discounts contribution works with osCommerce 2.3.1, for those who are considering upgrading.

Contributions: Better Together and Quantity Discounts for osCommerce 2.3.x and Phoenix. See my profile for more details.

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A copy of Quantity Discounts has been placed in the osCommerce 2.3.1 download area. There are no code changes from the osCommerce 2.2 version, just a few additions to the installation instructions.

Contributions: Better Together and Quantity Discounts for osCommerce 2.3.x and Phoenix. See my profile for more details.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wonder if I am misunderstanding this. I want to specify discounts for a product. For example if the customer buys more than 12, I would like to take $35 off the price of each item. So I do this, right?


function apply_special_item_discount($id, $count, &$disc_amount) {

switch($id) {

case 19:

if ($count > 12) {

$disc_amount = 35;




Is this supposed to take $35 off of each item or does it only take $35 off of the order total no matter how many items over 12?

I am only seeing $35 off of the order total.

Fresh install of osC 2.3.1


thank you!

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You want


$disc_amount = 35 * $count;




$disc_amount = 35;


(You almost had it!)

Contributions: Better Together and Quantity Discounts for osCommerce 2.3.x and Phoenix. See my profile for more details.

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One more question. I would like to set things up have a higher price for quantity less than 6.



Less than 6 items: add $25 design fee

6-12 items: no discount, no design fee

12 - 24 items: $0.50 discount per item

25+ items: $1.00 discount per item


This could be done by upping the price by $25, but that would make the item look too expensive.

I tried the following but no luck. Can price increase rather than discount be done?


case 20:

if ($count > 24) {

$disc_amount = 1 * $count;

} else if ($count > 11) {

$disc_amount = 0.5 * $count;

} else if ($count < 6) {

$disc_amount = -25;



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I'd rather see you doing a fee than a negative Quantity Discount; this just looks too odd.

Contributions: Better Together and Quantity Discounts for osCommerce 2.3.x and Phoenix. See my profile for more details.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am using a tax module for canadian taxes, that calculate the tax from the products and quantity. It doesn't take into consideration your discount level. In the first section of this canadian tax module, it calculate function get_subtotal($order) by multpliying the products and quantity. Can i simply add the calucated discount onto this $subtotal variable ? what would be the code ?



I am using 2.3.1




Here's the tax module



$Id: ot_tax.php, v1.3 BETA

Canada Taxes Order Total Module (including Quebec)

by Vincent Demers [email protected]

released on 2008/04/13 hpdl Exp $

Update by Jacob (Jack) Gryn to check sort order if shipping comes after taxes, don't tax shipping

Update by Vincent Demers to handle tax class on 2009/03/10


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2003 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License



function get_subtotal($order) {


for($i=0; $i < sizeof($order->products); $i++) { //Add only products with taxable class

if ($order->products[$i]['tax'] != 0) {




return $subtotal;



class ot_tax {

var $title, $output;


function ot_tax() {

$this->code = 'ot_tax';



$this->enabled = ((MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_STATUS == 'true') ? true : false);



$this->output = array();





function process() {

global $order, $currencies;


//WARNING: This module does not consider tax_class!!! We assume everything is taxable.

//We run SQL to get total number of taxes configured for our shipping zone

//If we have many taxes rates configured, we will compare tax priorities.

//If taxes have different priorities, ot_tax will apply 2nd priority tax_rate over 1rst (ex: for Quebec we have PST over GST), we assume GST has the lowest priority.

//If taxes have the same priorities, ot_tax still show taxes on two line but dosen't apply compounded taxes (ie: Ontario)

//If we get only one tax result, we assume we are handling only GST or HST (same scenario)

$tax_priority_query = tep_db_query("select tax_priority from " . TABLE_TAX_RATES . " tr left join " . TABLE_ZONES_TO_GEO_ZONES . " za on (tr.tax_zone_id = za.geo_zone_id) left join " . TABLE_GEO_ZONES . " tz on (tz.geo_zone_id = tr.tax_zone_id) where (za.zone_country_id = '" . $order->delivery['country']['id'] . "') and (za.zone_id = '" . $order->delivery['zone_id'] . "') order by tr.tax_priority");

$tax_query_raw="select tax_rates_id, tax_priority, tax_rate, tax_description from " . TABLE_TAX_RATES . " tr left join " . TABLE_ZONES_TO_GEO_ZONES . " za on (tr.tax_zone_id = za.geo_zone_id) left join " . TABLE_GEO_ZONES . " tz on (tz.geo_zone_id = tr.tax_zone_id) where (za.zone_country_id = '" . $order->delivery['country']['id'] . "') and (za.zone_id = '" . $order->delivery['zone_id'] . "') order by tr.tax_priority";

if (tep_db_num_rows($tax_priority_query)) {


if (tep_db_num_rows($tax_priority_query) == 2) { //Show taxes on two lines



while ($tax = tep_db_fetch_array($tax_priority_query)) { //compare tax_priotiries

if ($i == 0) {

$tax_priority = $tax['tax_priority'];

} else {

if ($tax_priority != $tax['tax_priority']) {


} else {






//END Compare tax priorities


$tax_query = tep_db_query($tax_query_raw);

if ($compound_tax) { //ie Quebec


while ($tax = tep_db_fetch_array($tax_query)) {

if ($j == 0) {

$gst_description = $tax['tax_description'];

$gst_rate = $tax['tax_rate'] / 100;

} elseif ($j >= 1) {

$pst_description = $tax['tax_description'];

$pst_rate = $tax['tax_rate'] / 100;




//$subtotal = $order->info['subtotal'];



$subtotal += $order->info['shipping_cost'];

$gst_total = tep_round($subtotal * $gst_rate, $currencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['decimal_places']);

$pst_total = ($subtotal+$gst_total) * $pst_rate;


while (list($key, $value) = each($order->info['tax_groups'])) {

if ($value > 0) {

$this->output[] = array('title' => $gst_description.':',

'text' => $currencies->format(

$gst_total, true, $order->info['currency'], $order->info['currency_value']),

'value' => $gst_total);

$this->output[] = array('title' => $pst_description.':',

'text' => $currencies->format(

$pst_total, true, $order->info['currency'], $order->info['currency_value']),

'value' => $pst_total);





} else { //ie: Ontario


while ($tax = tep_db_fetch_array($tax_query)) {

if ($j == 0) {

$gst_description = $tax['tax_description'];

$gst_rate = $tax['tax_rate'] / 100;

} elseif ($j >= 1) {

$pst_description = $tax['tax_description'];

$pst_rate = $tax['tax_rate'] / 100;




//$subtotal = $order->info['subtotal'];



$subtotal += $order->info['shipping_cost'];

$gst_total = tep_round($subtotal * $gst_rate, $currencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['decimal_places']);

$pst_total = $subtotal * $pst_rate;


while (list($key, $value) = each($order->info['tax_groups'])) {

if ($value > 0) {

$this->output[] = array('title' => $gst_description.':',

'text' => $currencies->format(

$gst_total, true, $order->info['currency'], $order->info['currency_value']),

'value' => $gst_total);

$this->output[] = array('title' => $pst_description.':',

'text' => $currencies->format(

$pst_total, true, $order->info['currency'], $order->info['currency_value']),

'value' => $pst_total);






} elseif (tep_db_num_rows($tax_priority_query) == 1) { //Only GST or HST applies

$tax_query = tep_db_query($tax_query_raw);

while ($tax = tep_db_fetch_array($tax_query)) {

//$subtotal = $order->info['subtotal'];



$subtotal += $order->info['shipping_cost'];

$hst_total = $subtotal * ($tax['tax_rate'] / 100);


while (list($key, $value) = each($order->info['tax_groups'])) {

if ($value > 0) {

$this->output[] = array('title' => $tax['tax_description'].':',

'text' => $currencies->format(

$hst_total, true, $order->info['currency'], $order->info['currency_value']),

'value' => $hst_total);







//We calculate $order->info with updated tax values. For this to work ot_tax has to be last ot module called, just before ot_total

$order->info['tax'] = tep_round($gst_total,$currencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['decimal_places']) + tep_round($pst_total,$currencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['decimal_places']) + tep_round($hst_total,$currencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['decimal_places']);

$order->info['total'] = $order->info['subtotal'] + $order->info['tax'] + $order->info['shipping_cost'];



function check() {

if (!isset($this->_check)) {

$check_query = tep_db_query("select configuration_value from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key = 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_STATUS'");

$this->_check = tep_db_num_rows($check_query);



return $this->_check;



function keys() {




function install() {

tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) values ('Display Tax', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_STATUS', 'true', 'Do you want to display the order tax value?', '6', '1','tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now())");

tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('Sort Order', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_SORT_ORDER', '3', 'Sort order of display.', '6', '2', now())");



function remove() {

tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key in ('" . implode("', '", $this->keys()) . "')");




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  • 3 months later...



Thank you SWGuy for this great contribution.

Works fine, but I have a little question.

How can I change the text color (only price numbers or full discount text) in checkout_confirmation.php?

I use 2.3.1




Edited by PanTira
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I got your module all setup, it works in the shopping cart (and the receipt) and add the 48% discount if you buy 20 items but it is still charging the full amount on the credit card, I am wondering what could be wrong?


Sub-Total: $25.00

Flat Rate (Best Way): $15.00

NB HST TAX 13.0%: $5.20

Quantity Discount: -$25.00

Total: $16.95


and it charged me 47$ on my credit card


Please help, I am willing to send a donation for a quick response to fix this

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You probably have to make changes to your payment module. Some code fragments are provided here:



Contributions: Better Together and Quantity Discounts for osCommerce 2.3.x and Phoenix. See my profile for more details.

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