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Improvement suggestions to code


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Suggestion Improvements to code:


forget the <u>-tag (useless and confusing to visitors)

use <strong> instead of <b> (semantic improvement)

use <em> instead of <i> (semantic improvement)

forget the font-tags entirely, everything they do can be done with css.

Use of class (for example span class="warning") instead of fonts and bold.

Html tags to files directly under catalog, not in language files.

Could it be time to update to xhtml ?

More css-classes to html-elements



Javascripts in their own folder

Moving more code to column_left, column_rigth, header and footer as a first step in template structure (yes, i know it is coming).

Relative font-sizing in css


I usually do this myself but I would imagine everyone would benefit from these changes , or at least not getting anything negative.

"Use no way as way, have no limitation as limitation." - Bruce Lee


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