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I was testing the site and came across this error and waswondering if there is a to correct it:


Warning: Failed to Receive in C:apachehtdocstest1catalogincludesclassesemail.php on line 502


Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:apachehtdocstest1catalogincludesclassesemail.php:502) in C:apachehtdocstest1catalogincludesfunctionsgeneral.php on line 23


any help would be helpful

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you are testing on a local machine... you will receive email errors... not sure if there is a fix..... I just ignore them....search the forums

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Easy solution: disable mail sending in administrator


Better solution: Check your php.ini and read the comments about how to get mail working on Windows (hint: you either need a local smtp-server or a working connection to a smtp-server)


Search the forum for "smtp windows" or "mail windows" to get the thousands of archived solutions ;-)



You can't have everything. That's why trains have difficulty crossing oceans, and hippos did not adapt to fly. -- from the OpenBSD mailinglist.

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